Chapter 1

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Lily Potter had been cleaning out some cupboards in the house when she stumbled onto an old photo album. Hearing her husband, James, play around with the twins, Harry and Harrison, along with Sirius and Remus outside made her relax a little and sit down with the album in her hands. She already knew what was in there.

Yet she couldn't help but opening it. Looking around, just to make sure no one was nearby, Lily then picked the album up and carefully inhaled.

The slightest scent, just barely there, of potions ingredients and fumes. Or perhaps she just wanted the scent to be there. It didn't matter. She put it back on her lap and smiled a little.

It was one of the last gifts she had received from Severus Mentis.

Still to this day she didn't know what had happened. The summer between their fourth and fifth year something happened to Severus, because he wasn't the same. Not for the rest of the school years at least. He kept to himself, avoided everyone else and Lily was ashamed to say that she gave up. Perhaps that was what he wanted. She didn't know.

Although they communicated every now and then these days, it wasn't the same. She sent him birthday and Christmas cards, as well to the Malfoys. She didn't know if she once had known Severus' father's birthday or not, but she sent a card every Christmas for him too. She didn't expect replies, but some years she received it, mostly from Bellatrix Black and Narcissa Malfoy. And from Narcissa came a greeting from the whole family, Abraxas included.


She looked up from the album, and saw James in the doorway.

"Sorry," she said. "Lost in thoughts."

"What's that?"

"Oh, this?" She stood up. "Old album. Severus gave it to me in… third year, I think?"

"He gave you a photo album?" James said and opened it after receiving permission. "Wow. It's so hard to imagine these people laughing and joking around as us…"

"They're people, just like everyone else," Lily said.

James meant the Malfoys. The Blacks. The Mentis. Because that's what the photos showed. Some Muggle. Some magical. But all of them showing people Lily once had held dear. Well, she still held them very dear, but she had grown away from them despite not wanting to.

"Who's this?"

Lily looked down. Then up at James. "You don't remember?" she said. "You've seen him before."

"Have I? Can't remember him."

"That's Astus, Severus' father."

She did wonder what had caused Severus' withdrawal from friendship. For some time, she believed it had something to do with Astus since the teen refused to discuss his father after the summer after their fourth year.

"Well, I met him like once," James said and handed the album over. "Besides, you're the smart one in the family. I just fly on a broom and know how to throw a mean spell on dark rebellions."

Lily rolled her eyes and got a kiss on the cheek together with a cheeky smile.

"Why are you here anyway?" she said. "The kids are still outside."

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