Chapter 2

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August 1974

The Malfoy Manor was quiet. More so than usual. The house-elves moved around quietly, worked around their master and the other inhabitants of the manor.

Abraxas himself usually sat in an armchair in the living room, staring into the flames. Severus spent his time on the couch or in Astus' room, sometimes refusing to come out of there or leave his father's bed.

Several days had passed since the death of Voldemort. Around the United Kingdom wizards and witches celebrated. In Malfoy Manor, there was no such celebration.

Lucius entered the living room and walked up to where his father sat.

"Severus is asleep," he said. He had just gone and checked on his young friend.

"On his own or due to potions?" Abraxas asked.

"On his own this time," Lucius said. "He knows better than us that becoming addicted to potions aren't something anyone would want to be."

"Yet I wouldn't blame him," Abraxas said. "Not a sign, nothing. I was so sure he was alive, and now… school is soon to begin. There isn't a trace of Astus, how can I let Severus go to school without at least knowing whether his father is alive or dead?"

Lucius sat down on the arm of the chair and looped an arm around his father's shoulder.

"We all want him alive," he said.

"Except for the Light," Abraxas spat out. "I could see their faces, as Astus was changing. They were disgusted. They want him dead, if he isn't already. They don't want him back alive, safe and sound."

"We won't let them kill him, or even hurt him," Lucius said fiercely. "We'll protect him."

"It's funny how we talk about as if he's already here," Abraxas said after a while. "For all I know, he could be just a corpse right about now…"

"Don't speak like that, father!" Lucius clenched his hands into fists. "He's the love of your life after mother died. Don't speak like that…"

Abraxas nodded, tears shimmering in his eyes as he took one of his son's hands.

"Just when everything was like being in heaven," he whispered, "things had to turn so much I wonder if I haven't accidently stumbled into hell."

That's when they both heard the front doors bang open. Lucius flew up, Abraxas following. The two men looked at each other in confusion.

"Was someone coming?" Abraxas asked and his son shook his head. "Then who…?"

There weren't many people who could just walk up to the Malfoy Manor doors and knock on them, much less just walk straight inside. The Black sisters would've just used the fireplace, and Abraxas had made sure to strengthen the wards not even a month ago.

They both rushed into the hall, where Abraxas stopped dead and Lucius actually gasped.

Hanging onto one of the doors, robes full with dust, ash and blood, Astus looked up at them. His eyes shone, and when he smiled he showed off two perfect sharpened teeth amongst the others.

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