We're Live

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Since Niall had returned home from the US in order to isolate with you in your shared home and since then you had been completely and utterly needy. You were regularly cuddling your boyfriend, when he was watching tv you would crawl onto his chest or sit on his lap, when one of you was in the shower, the other always seemed to join. When one of you were cooking, the other would creep up behind them and wrap their arms around the others waist. The two of you had yet to grow bored or irritated by the others presence, he was consistently pressing a kiss to your forehead, cheek or lips, they were sweet and filled with much love.

One of the few times that you weren't all over each other was when Niall was on Instagram live. The world was aware of the fact Niall was in a relationship and they were mainly supportive, but you and Niall were still very private in your relationship. You would appear with him on red carpets and would occasionally post a picture of the two of you, but it was limited. Niall would always warn you when he was about to go live, you would proceed by heading into your shared bedroom to chill and watch Netflix or heading to the kitchen to make dinner. You would wait for Niall to finish his lives and come and find you before you would resume your cuddles.

On this day, you were already in your bedroom taking a nap, Niall decided that it was the perfect time to go live. He had been on live for nearly twenty minutes when you woke up from your nap, you immediately went looking for Niall. You were dressed in one of his t-shirts and a pair of fluffy socks as you shuffled your way out of the bedroom and into the living room where you heard Niall's sweet voice coming from. He was sat at the piano, his fingers gliding across the keys as his angelic voice played out throughout the apartment.

In your delirious and still half-asleep state, you didn't notice the phone that was pointed towards the piano and to where your boyfriend was sat. When you woke up, you were at you most needy, you needed cuddles with your boyfriend regardless of the situation. You walked towards him and ducked under his arm, positioning yourself so that you were straddling Niall. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your legs around his waist and your neck buried into his neck. You pressed a kiss to his neck as he continued to play.

He glanced up at the phone that was positioned on a stack of books, looking as to what the comments were as he played the song. He smiled at the appreciation and love that your relationship was receiving and continued to play the song, when he finished the song, he embraced you into a hug. He began stroking your back and placed a kiss to your head; he chuckled as he read the comments.

"You just woken up from a nap darling? She always needs cuddles after waking up." You nodded into his neck before realising that Niall was clearly talking to someone else.

"Are you on live?" Your voice was small and quiet in hopes that his fans wouldn't hear. He chuckled at your question.

"Yea darling, do you want to say hi?" You glanced over your shoulder, muttering a quiet hi and waving towards your boyfriend's phone. You smiled sweetly at them before burying your head back into Niall's neck.

Niall then stood up from the piano, you still in wrapped around his body, he grabbed his phone and walked over to the sofa. He sat down whilst you were on top of him, he asked you whether you wanted to answer some questions that the fans had been asking. You nodded and sat next to him; your bare legs were strewn over his as he rested his hands on your thighs. The two of you spent the next fifteen minutes answering questions asked by his fans, the fans had spent little time interacting with you but now were hopeful that you would be appearing in many more of Niall's lives.

It was later after you had eaten dinner that you decided that you wanted to see what fans were saying; normally you would stay away from comments that Niall's fans made, worried that they would be negative and have impacts on your self-esteem. There were multiple screenshots and screen-recordings of your live and about 98% of the comments were positive, you smiled as you read about how people thought you and Niall were cute together, how you were perfect for each other and that it was clear that you made Niall very happy.

Niall sat down next to you placing a bowl of crisps and a multitude of dips onto the coffee table, he took a sip from his beer before leaning back and relaxing against the sofa, his arm was thrown over your shoulder as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. You looked at him lovingly before showing him your phone, he looked at you questioningly before reading the post that was on his phone.

His smile grew as he continued to read the long message one of his fans had posted, he read the username of the person before whipping out his own phone. He liked the post before commenting his thanks for their support. Niall threw his phone onto the sofa before turning back to look at you, he placed his hand on your cheek, his thumb stroking against your skin.

"You should join in my Instagram lives more often; they clearly love you..." He looked into your eyes intently before he glanced at your lips, "God, I love you." He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours.

Pulling away you smiled at him, "I love you too, so much." You pressed another short yet loving kiss to his lip, "and yea," another kiss was pressed to his lips, "I'd like to be in a few more of your lives."

You smiled at him before curling up into his side, your legs remained laying over Niall's, his hands stroked your thighs as the two of you relaxed on the sofa. You stayed like that for the rest of the evening, cuddled up with your boyfriend, content with the knowledge that the fans thought you were perfect for Niall which made you indescribably happy.

From then on you would appear in most of Niall's Instagram lives, whether it was a fleeting appearance to say hi and ask Niall what he wanted for dinner or eating takeout whilst answering his fans questions, sometimes you were even just silently present cuddled up next to him on the sofa.

You loved your boyfriend and he loved you, you were glad that the two of you finally had the ability to share that with his fans.

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