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Throughout the entire show, I couldn't get the naughty thoughts to stop swirling around in my head. Niall wasn't helping at all either. Him smirking at me, winking at me, and hip thrusting in my direction didn't do me any justice. It only made my panties damper.

As he began saying his thank yous and goodbyes to the crowd, I began walking backstage, waiting for him and his band to file back here. Soon enough, they all entered the room hooting and hollering, the high from the show still coursing through their veins. He laughed with them for a second before I caught his eye. He walked over to me with a huge grin on his face. He pressed a sweet kiss to my lips before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into him.

"You know what you do to me up there," I spoke softly, knowing there were people around.

"What do I do t' ya?" he smirked.

"All I can say is I'm soaked." I replied, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

"Dat's da goal, right?" he teased wryly.

I let out a soft whimper and fell into his chest, resting my head on his damp sweat tshirt. I was getting frustrated and was getting desperate for a release.

"C'mon, darlin'." he hummed.

He grabbed my hand and lead me down the hallway to his dressing room. Excited butterflies erupted in my stomach with each step that we took. We got to his room and he opened the door, letting me walk in first. I spit my gum out in the nearest trashcan while he closed the door behind him. I wrapped my arms around him and attached my lips to any inch of skin they could reach.

"Hang on, lover. Lemme lock da door." he chuckled softly, turning the lock on the door.

He turned back around to me and pulled me into him, attaching our lips. I ran my fingers through his sweaty hair, tugging gently at the damp strands. His hands trailed down to bum, squeezing it and kneading it in his hands. I hummed against his lips and deepened our kisses. His lips were soft like flower petals. His growing scruff tickled my skin and sent chills down my body. His tongue explored my mouth and the pressure in my abdomen tightened. 

"Le's go t' da couch," he muttered.

He grabbed onto my hand and lead me to the medium-sized, black, leather couch. As he sat down in the middle of it, his fingertips still held onto mine, squeezing slightly, "C'mere." Letting go of his hand, I hiked up my jean skirt, allowing better access to straddle him. I placed my knees on either side of his thighs, getting comfortable on his lap. His bulge was up against my center and I could feel just how hard he was. Our tongues battled for dominance and our fingers were braided in each other's hair.

"Mm, we gotta be quick," I muttered against his soft lips.

My hips began to subtly grind against his; something that I do all the time to rile him up a little more, but the more pressure I added and the faster I went, the more I began to realize how good it truly feels. And Niall felt the same way.

"Ooh fuck, keep doin' dat," he muttered.

My hips ground deeply against his. His bulge rubbed up against my center perfectly with every grind. Dipping my head down, I buried it in his neck. I attached my lips to his neck, kissing and sucking on all of his sweet spots. Both of his hands were placed flat against my bottom, helping me steadily grind against him. We've never done anything like this. It was different and neither of us ever thought that something so simple could feel so damn good. I didn't know what brought this on, but once I started I couldn't stop.

He tugged on my shirt, untucking it from my jean skirt. He slipped his left hand up my shirt and cupped my breast over the fabric of my white, push-up bra. He began kneading it in his big palm, his lips attacking the sensitive skin on my neck. His throaty groans vibrated against my skin, sending chills down my spine. I was getting closer and closer to my orgasm and I knew he was on the same boat by how his grips got tighter and his moans got louder.

"Shh, people are gonna hear," I warned him and he lifted his head to look at me.

"Feels s' good though." he whined, his warm breath fanning across my face.

His eyebrows were furrowed together, sweat was beading at his temples, and his plump lips were parted. I squeezed a fistful of his wet locks, placing my forehead against his, my hips still moving at a rapid pace against his. 

"I know, baby," I whispered softly.

He placed both hands back on my hips, his fingertips digging into my skin. I began to circle my hips, hearing his breath hitch in his throat. He bucked his hips up and squeezed his eyes shut. He buried his face back into the curve of my neck, his warm breath fanning across my skin with every heavy exhale he took. The only sounds filling the room was our panting, the subtle sound of the fabric of my panties rubbing against his dress pants, and the AC on in the background.

"Gonna make me cum in me pants," he whimpered before throwing his head back against the edge of the couch, "Fuck."

"Me too," I squeaked out, my breath hitching in my throat.

I continued to grind my hips against his, doing everything in my power to push both of us off the edge. Niall's grip around me tightened and his moans began to get louder. He pursed his lips shut, preventing any noise from escaping. He was trembling with pleasure as his orgasm took over his body. His release was the last push that I needed before pleasure overtook my body, sending me up to the clouds. My muscles tensed and my heart was beating out of my chest. My fingers gripped tightly on his shirt, my knuckles turning white. I wanted to scream out his name but I knew I couldn't so I hid my face in his clammy neck, muffling any small noises that escaped.

We both began to fall back down to reality, breathing heavily in our afterglow. My grip on his shirt loosened and I lifted my head up to look at him. His eyelids were droopy, heavy breaths escaping his swollen with kisses lips. I placed one lingering kiss to his lips before climbing off his lap. I laid my body across the couch, giving myself a breather.

"Jesus," he breathed out, running his fingers through his messy hair, "Did ya cum?"

I nodded, my chest rising up and down with every breath I took. He was so pretty in his aftermath. His skin is flushed and glowing. His hair is a giant mess and his eyelashes rest peacefully on his cheekbones.

"Fuck, I can't believe we jus' came like dat." he hummed, mostly to himself.

I watched as he stood up and walked over to the rack that held his clothes. He began to change out of his sweaty, stage clothes and into something more laid back and comfortable. Letting out a breath, I stood up and readjusted my clothes before walking over to the big mirror. I finger brushed my now tangly hair, making myself look presentable and not like I just had sex with my boyfriend. I sat down in the spinny chair that was placed in front of the mirror, watching Niall rummage through his things.

He walked towards me, standing in front of the mirror next to me. He began running his fingers through his hair and styling it a little bit before turning towards me. He stood in between my legs and cupped my face with his big palms. I smiled as he leaned down and pressed a passionate kiss to my pink lips.

"I promise I'll fuck ya fer real when we get t' da hotel." he grinned.

"Good." I teased, pressing one last kiss to his beautiful lips.

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