Spill Your Guts Or Fill Your Guts

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Her cheeks were puffed in causing her lips to give off the fishy lips effect, as she looked at the table before her. Jame's chuckled as he fixed his suit jacket and turned back to face that camera's as his cue was giving. With a loud clap and a wide smile, Niall leaned back in his chair ready for whatever questions were throwing in their direction. The rules were simple, don't confirm anything and don't deny anything.

"Welcome back! Where here with no other than Niall Horan and (Y/N)." James introduced as they all laughed at the crowds' loud response. "We are going to be playing Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts. As you both have played before, I'll skip the rules and we'll jump right in.."

"Oh, joy.."(Y/N) chuckled as she fixed her hair placing her hands on the table as James smile looking down at his card and a loud laugh slipped past his lips.

"Oh mate, there's no way."

Niall's eyes widen as he looked back at the Brit with a flush on his cheeks. His mind reaching all the possible question's that could possibly be asked not even noticing the food that was placed before him. (Y/N) smiled softly sucking in her cheeks once more hoping to christ the question wasn't nearly as telling as she was hoping.

"Okay, Niall.." James started as the pop star nodding his head a nervous laugh escaping. "We all know how much you love golf, is there a certain course you absolutely hate playing at."

"Jeez mate, you had me sweating for a second."


"I'd rather not answer don't wanna be unwelcome at any clubs," he muttered as he took a bite of the wasp.

The questions weren't as bad as the pair had thought, Niall admitting that he preferred Liam's solo stuff over Harry's and (Y/N) exclaiming that she absolutely hated how her last series ended. It wasn't until the third or fourth round that thing's started to really take a turn.

" (Y/N) you recently did a live not too long ago.." Niall started with a slight smirk on in his voice. "You looked a little fluster was there something going on off-camera?"

Her eyes widen as her cheeks flushed, James' couldn't help the burst of laugher that escaped his lips looking at her. She squirmed slightly in her seat as she looked down at the smoothie before her, as her mind went back to the way Niall's fingers were working her to a release mid-live.

"I-um No?" she mumbled as Niall leaned forward eyes with a hint of mischief in them as she cleared her throat. "Nothing, um my boyfriend was just distracting me is all."

"Oh?" Niall question with a raised eyebrow, as she quickly nodded her head and look towards James' more than ready to escape whatever words were about to slip from his lips.

"Niall my sweet little Irish Niall." James hummed as he held in a burst of laughter causing Niall's eyes to widen. They've been doing pretty well so far, no questions had gone unanswered other than one on Niall's part and another one (Y/N)'s. "Rumor has it you were quarantined with a special someone.."

"Umm... I do have a roommate."

James shake's his head as he lifts a finger up. "Wasn't done mate, was a special lady with you?"

He chuckled quickly as he looked down at the bull penis before him and a quick glance at
(Y/N). Her eyes were wide as she watched her boyfriend pick at the food if you can even call it that.

"Um, who comes up with these questions.."

"Either you answer or you eat."

"Um yeah."

(Y/N)'s eyes widen as her feet kicked him from under the table. Keeping her safe natural she let out a soft laugh, as James' eyes widened not expecting him to actually go through with the question at hand.

"Who was it?"

"Oops not telling, plus only one question per turn."

Shaking his head James continued the game before only one question was left and he knew for an absolute fact (Y/N) wasn't going to answer it. He also knew the last thing the two wanted was to out their relationship in this way.

"This last question is for (Y/N)." he hummed as he took out the cod sperm he had been saving. "If she refuses to answer the question, guess you both have to have a bit."

" (Y/FULL/N) I love you but please don't make me."

"Niall James you can't expect me to actually taste this.." she hummed out with a smirk as James looked at them.

"I don't know (Y/N)..."

It was tense for a few seconds before he spoke the words that had her mind spinning and her heart racing. There was no way she could possibly dance around the question asked.

" (Y/N), going back to one of our last questions. Was Niall the on you were quarantined with."


"I-we-fuck," she mumbled holding her hand in her head as she looked back at Niall with a soft smile.

"yeah," Niall mumble causing a loud roar to escape the crowd and (Y/N) and James to go wide-eyed.


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