Faking It

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you and niall were both asked to be on ellen together and you both were super excited. the show itself was amazing. you and niall sat next to each other on the couch in front of a studio audience, talking and laughing with ellen. when she said that she wanted to play never have i ever with you two, butterflies erupted in your stomach. you've watched ellen's show for years and have gotten to know ellen from the past couple times you've met her so you know how ellen is and you know she will do anything to get you to admit the craziest things on the internet. she can also see straight through people's lies. you can't put anything past her so you were super nervous about playing this game.

ellen handed you and niall a popsicle stick with laminated colored paper that had "i have" and "i have not" on either side. she explained the game to the audience a little bit before jumping right into it. she read the questions off of a stack of cards in her hands. the first couple questions were innocent and easy to answer but soon the questions got juicer.

"okay next one, never have i ever faked an orgasm" ellen read off the card and your stomach dropped and you could feel your entire body heat up because you have faked an orgasm before. that's not something you want the world know so you debated whether or not you should lie about it. niall immediately turned his stick to the "i have not" side and you hesitated turning yours to the "i have" but decided last minute to lie and say you havent.

"oh oh oh, y/n no i see you' - no i saw you debate which side to pick don't lie"

your face burnt bright red as she called you out and you just wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out because now the whole world knows you've faked an orgasm.

"oh my gosh, ellen shut up" you giggled covering your face with hands, trying to brush it off and go along with the 'joke'.

she continued to tease you and the whole time just felt like a blur because of how embarrassed you were, "okay whatever, lets move on, next question please!" the audience and ellen giggled at your reaction, you were giggling too, but out of pure embarrassment. but ellen listened to your plea and the game continued.

once the show was over and you and niall were in your dressing room alone together, he decided to ask you about it, "so when were ya gonna tell me ya faked an orgasm?"

"i dunno it just never came up. its not something you just say out of nowhere" you replied, not really wanting to talk about it.

"were ya just gonna hide it forever?"

"no, i-i don't know, niall, I don't wanna talk about it right now" you spat, getting upset about the whole situation because you know youre gonna wake up to tabloids about this tomorrow morning.

"y/n no this is serious, we're talking about this" his voice got stern and you rolled your eyes slightly

"why? its in the past i dont wanna think about it, its embarrassing"

"embarrassing for you? how do you think it makes me feel?" he replied

"why does it matter? it literally has nothing to do with y- wait no, you think i faked it with you" you suddenly realized how bad this whole situation looked on niall and on you as a couple. you didnt even think twice that it 100% sounds like you faked it with niall

"what?" he asked confused at your reaction

"oh my gosh, no i made it look like i faked with you!" you began to freak out because now the whole world thinks you faked an orgasm with niall.

"you didnt?" he asked

"no baby no, it was with my ex a couple years ago! definitely not you, ive never ever faked it with you." you explained walking up to him and taking his hands into yours. you could feel and see the relief wash over him

"oh thank god, i was so scared i felt like an awful boyfriend" he sighed

"no it wasn't you, i will never ever fake it with you, i never have to fake it with you!" you kept reassuring him, feeling awful about the whole situation, "oh gosh and now the whole world thinks i faked it with you"

"nah its okay" he hummed even tho deep down he was super nervous about that bc that looks so bad on him and its so embarrassing

"ill fix this okay, I promise, ill make sure everyone knows it was with my ex and not you" you spoke to him, secretly dreading the awkward note youll post later on your socials

"i love ya" he whispered, pulling you into his arms

"i love you too. im sorry about this whole thing" you hummed, sighing as his arms engulfed you and made you feel safe

"no need to be sorry hun, im just glad it was yer ex ya faked it with and not me"

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