The Correct Ring Size

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You were finally done with running all your errands, ready to plop on your bed and dive into your favorite book. You were just over a half chapter in when your boyfriend of three years shuffled through the door of your shared bedroom. He grunted a faint 'Hey' while plopping down on top of you. "Hey Ni." you whispered with your head still in your book.

He hid his head in your neck as he breathed in your scent. "Bad day?" you ask, putting your book down to kiss him on the top of his head. "M' exhausted, nothing I did was good enough today." He mumbled. "I'm sorry babe, do you want me to get out so you can take a nap." you asked, softly playing with his hair. "Noooo don't leave, just wanna spend some time with me girl." He pouted as he looked at you. A slight blush creeped over your cheeks as you smiled back at him. No matter how many times Niall called you cute pet names, you always get a little shy when he does.

He looks down at your lips and kisses you lightly before dropping his head to the crook of your neck again. You wrapped your arms around his back, holding your book above him, trying to finish your chapter. You heard him inhale a few times before he spoke. "Did ya change yer shampoo?" you chuckled at the amount of attention he had paid sniffing your hair. "Yeah, I did, my regular one was out of stock." You answered before silence overtook the two of you again.

After a while of just laying like that, enjoying each other's company you felt Niall starting to move around. You freed him of your arms, and he went to lay a little more up, his back slightly leaning against the headboard. You let out a soft shriek as he roughly pulled you towards him, laying your head on his chest. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and started scrolling around. Replying to a few tweets and posting a selfie in his story, you know, the usual. You smiled contently, loving the fact that you could both do your own thing while laying together.

Your eyes slowly fluttered open at the feeling of Niall's rough hands fumbling with yours. You were a little confused, the last thing you remember is that you were reading a book, which now, isn't in your hands anymore. You looked up at Niall only to find him already staring at you. "Ah there she is, my sleeping beauty." You chuckled at his comment. He was still rubbing your hands and just playing with your fingers, but just when you wanted to ask what he was doing, he spoke.

"I can't believe he asked her to marry him like that. And she said yes? Pshh he should've done better." You just lay there with a puzzled look on your face, trying to figure out what he was talking about. "You read my book?" you smirked at him. "Just one chapter. Okay maybe two. Or five but whatever." You laughed at his confession. "Thought you weren't one for reading?" " 'M not, but I had to know what was so boring that it put you straight to sleep, and now I know cause with a proposal like that, everybody would just doze off." he laughed. You just closed your eyes again, cuddling more into him as you enjoyed the feeling of him playing with your hands.

"Feels nice babe." you quietly said. He brought a hand up to his lips and gave it a little kiss. "What are you trying to do with them though?" you asked, curiosity taking over.  "What, with your hands?" "Hmmhmm." You replied. "Well, that book of yours got me thinking 'bout our big day, and well, I gotta get your ring size correct if I want the proposal to be perfect, so I figured toying around with your hands would be a subtle way to get an idea."

You immediately jumped up at his confession. "NIALL JAMES HORAN. Does that mean you're gonna ask me to marry you?" you asked with the biggest smile on your face. You waited for an answer, but he just smirked at you. "Oh my god when?" you asked in the sweetest way, batting your eyelashes at him. This time he laughed "You're just gonna have to be patient petal." You playfully hit him in the chest, and he flipped the two of you around, you now laying under him.

"Can't wait to make an honest woman outta ya." he smiled while his love-filled eyes slid across your face. "You know, if were gonna kiss in front of everyone, we should probably practice our skills." You grinned while locking your arms around his neck. "Are you saying that just to get me to make out with you?" he raised his eyebrows. "Maybe." You whispered, your lips only inches away from his. "God, I love you." Is the last thing he mumbled before his lips found yours.

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