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Lloyd pov

I lay in bed alone reflecting on what happened at the prison.

I was completely unable to control my self what if I had actually hurt nya or kai?

Then the door opens as she comes in.

"I brought you some cake, i thought you might be hungry."

I smile setting up on my bed and gladly taking it.

"Thanks." I say taking a bit.

"How do you feel?" She ask concerned.

"Tired but other then that I feel fine."

"Where is master wu and everyone else?" I ask confused.

"They went to speak with the serpentine to see what they mite know about the golden master."

I look at her a little stunned.

"What?, but he's gone."

"Will Jay said according to Pythor the overlord wasn't the golden master."

"Then... who is?"

"I don't know."

I then feel a dark feeling take me.

What if?... no i can't be, I refuse to believe it! I thank to my self.

I then feel nya put her hand on my shoulder.

"You okay?" She ask.

"Yeah I'm okay just bored."


"Hey nya?


I feel my cheeks blush how do I ask her to hangout with out making it sound like a date?...

"Do you maybe want to go out and do something?"

Nya pov

I feel my cheeks turn a slight pink.

"S-sure, what do you want to do?"

"Will how about we go to the beach, it's a nice day out." He's says turning to look outside.

"Sure I'd love to, just let me pack up what I'll need."

I smile walking back to my room, did Lloyd garmadon just ask me out on a date? No! It's just a friendly hangout I already have a boyfriend, Lloyd is just a friend.

At lest that's what I keep telling my self...

Kai pov

We arrive to the serpentines tomb under ninjago city stopping to see two fangpyre guarding the entrance.

"You may not enter."

"Listen pale we need to talk to scales it's kinda important." I tell them glaring.

"Vary will, I'll go get him." One says leaving.

A few minutes later the door opens showing scales.

"Alright ninja what is the problem this time?" He ask.

"Scales we need to learn more about the golden master Pythor said its not the overlord."

Scales begens to thank.

"So it is true, he is the golden master after all..."

"Who is?" Misako ask.

"Your green ninja, it is only a matter of time before he falls.

"What? Lloyd, it can't be!?" I shout.

"Cole Zane and Jay look down knowing something that me, Misako and master Wu don't.

"You knew about this?..." I ask them.

"Will we didn't really want to believe him its Pythor after all, you know him." Cole says

"I'm afraid that Pythor was telling the truth." Scales says

"The end of the world is upon us..."

"But why Lloyd?, he has no evil in him."

"I'm afraid he dose, the vary same darkness that corrupted his father."

"The venom of the great devourer!" Wu says shocked.

"Yes passed down from lord garmadon.

"Is there anyway we can save him?" Misako ask worried.

I am afraid not, it has already begun, there is no one who can stop him, not even you..."

Suddenly our phones begen to buzz.

And what we see next shocks us.

"Green ninja and water ninja on a date at the beach." I read.

"What!?" Jay yells becoming angry.

"Wow calim down Jay I'm sure it's nothing." Cole says

"He's trying to steal my girl!, I knew it!

"Lloyd and nya?... I never picked up signs of a relationship..." Zane says steel shocked.

"There were moments..." Misako says.

"You knew about this!?" Jay yells.

"Will I had my suspensions, sometimes I would catch them staring at each other but I never thought it would come to this..."

"Nya is with him right now..." I tell them concerned.

Jay immediately runs out of the tomb.

"Jay wait!" Wu yells as we chase after him.

As we exit the tomb the shy suddenly turns dark and begins to thunder.

"Wait a minute it's only three o'clock how's it already dark out?" Cole ask.

"the rise of the Golden Master has already begun..." wu says as we chase after Jay.

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