What's done, can't be undone.

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A few days have past since, the kiss between international superstar and the teen from England. Management had, somehow, unbeknownst to Justin, manage to handle the situation and keep everything hush hush. The beliebers were also surprisingly quiet about the situation and fortunately, Karla didn't check social media for a few days. If she knew anything, then she wasn't doing anything about it. But Justin felt horrible. What happened to him? He let himself get caught up in the song, and the moment and yes, Abbey was pretty. Abbey was beautiful but he would never do anything to Karla. Justin sighed and rubbed his forehead. The past few days, Karla had been distant. Things were fine, at least Justin had hope so, but K didn't seem like herself. She had told him about the phone call she received from John, her dad but said nothing else.

Justin thumbed through the photos on his phone. He smiled, scrolling through the number of goofy selfies Karla took on his phone. She's the one. He thought to himself. Right there, Justin knew what he had to do.

"Hey...is this Abbey?"

"This is her mother, Abs will be with you in a short minute." All the way in England, Abbey Turner received a phone call, early in the morning. "It's a boy!" Her mother mouthed, grinning.

A boy? It couldn't be...unless...

"Abbey. It's Justin." His voice lacked affection, hardly like the Justin who kissed her onstage. Nevertheless, Abbey was beyond thrilled to hear from Bieber. She was beginning to think she would never hear back from him.

'Justin! I-I thought I'd never hear from you!"

"Listen, Abbey..' Justin said, his voice low, weary that Karla was just in the other room, Skype calling with Selena. "What happened onstage...you know it doesn't mean anything right? Karla, I love her so much.' Even saying that made Justin smile. It was true, as many mistakes he's made, would never erase the fact that he loved his girl.

Abbey bit her lips. Of course. How could she be so stupid? Karla was his girlfriend for god sake! They were everyone's favorite couple. Jarla. Abbey wanted to slap herself for even thinking for a split second that the kiss could mean something to him. "I get it, Justin. You don't have to explain anything." She tried to hold back her tears. "Thanks for everything though. The backstage passes, letting me sing with you. Everything was amazing."

She hung up. And that was that.


"Babe?" Justin popped his head into the room to see Karla, holding a bowl of cereal and in sweats. She was talking to Selena on Skype, who despite everything, still looked glowing and beautiful.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Karla said, turning to give Justin a warm smile. "Up so soon?"

"Mm, missed you in bed." Justin replied, giving her a soft kiss. Justin pushed Karlas hair back, playing with it. "I have interviews to do today, but we could go out for dinner later? "

"That'd be nice." Karla replied, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend. Right there, she realized how good she had it. She was with an amazing guy and every bit of drama was behind her. Sure, things were rocky. But they didn't have to be... "J, I love you. And I know, I'm a wreck sometimes but...you save me you know?"

"I know," he smiled back at her. Talking to Selena had obviously put her in a better mood and Justin was glad to be with Karla. She was everything he'd ever need. "I'll pick you up at 6 then." he said, giving her one last kiss.


All throughout the day of endless press, meetings and promoting Believe, Justin was just glad he had made things right with Karla. He drove back home, grinning to himself. He thought about what Karla had said a few weeks back. They could move out together after the Believe tour. It would be a a year or two later, but they could finally be together. Properly. Justin reached the front porch and went inside. Karla was there, wearing a short black dress and sat in front of the TV, controller in hand. Justin smiled to himself, this is what he loved about her. She was...so different from other girls. "Hey.." Justin said softly, hugging her from behind "Ready to go?"

"Let me grab my purse." She said, "So, How was everything?"

"Great," Justin replied. Karla got her bag and slipped her hands into Justin's. "I hope you're bringing us somewhere nice, I'm starving."


Cameras flashed and from outside the car, you could hear paparazzi's screaming Justin's name and cars chasing after them.

"Dammit!" Justin cursed, trying to drive around the restaurant. "Fucking paps. They ruin everything!" Justin turned to look at Karla, "Babe, I'm sorry, I didn't think they'd follow us here."

Its fine Justin, well go from behind. Karla reassured him. They tried to lose the paparazzi, getting off when they thought they did. But as usual, there were more of them than there were of Justin and Karla. Paparazzi surrounded the area, flashing cameras at them.

"Justin! Justin! Whose the girl in the concert you kissed? Where is she now?"

Justin froze. He knew it had been too good to be true. Of course word would go out and rumors would spread. Once again, the media had won. Karla looked at him, yet the expression on her face wasn't hurt. It was anger.

"Really, Justin?" She spat. " Is this why you've been so different today? Did you honestly think I wouldn't find out?"

'Karla, I-I can explain!' Justin said, trying to ignore the blatant paparazzi and the lights flashing at him. But it was too much, One of them had pushed his way past the rest, hitting Justin with his camera. Justin clenched his fist. He was so done with all of this. All of the attention everyone gave him. He grabbed the man by the wrist and pushed him. "Get out of my fucking face, asshole!"

Karla gasped. Before she knew it, her own hands had contributed to the violent night. She slapped him across the face, "I'm done here, Bieber! I'm done!" She said, fighting to hold back the tears. She turned and pushed her way past the men with cameras and walked away as quickly as she could. From behind, she could hear Justin call her. Inside, she hoped him would come after her. But he didn't.

So, she was gone.

End of chapter.


Yay! I updated! I worked pretty hard on this chapter and Im so glad the sotry finally progresses! What are your thoughts? Give this chapter a vote and comment! Love you x Also, heres a SUPER improtant question. Would you guys like me to write other stories that arent fan fic? Would you read it!

Love Is All That I Can Give, Bieber [Sequel to I gave you everything, Bieber]Where stories live. Discover now