Unexpected Phone call

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A/N: Guys I am so sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, you know tests and exams coming up! My exams are coming in a month so I'll probably upload this ONCE more before I go on a small break! 


She grabbed her bag from the car and walked away quickly, her hair covering her eyes. I will not cry, I will not cry. She told herself but as the tears pricked her eyes, she knew she was still the same, insecure, hopeless Karla. She gripped her right wrist, as she waited for a taxi but the Boyfriend set was far away from the urban city and there weren't many taxis in this area. She sat down, watching car after car pass by. 

It was windy, the wind blew her hair into a huge mess. She groaned. Could this day get worst? All she was wearing was a hideous Boyfriend outfit. Shorts and a crop top. Not her style. 

"Karla? Karla where are you?" 

Karla looked up to see Justin on the other end of the pavement, looking as if he's been in tears. He ran up to her, grabbing her arms. "Fuck! Jesus Chris Karla, you can't just go like that!" He said, his voice wobbling. 

She looked down to the ground once again, not daring to look at his sad eyes. "I'm sorry Justin. I didn't know what got into me." 

"I thought you ran away!" 

"I try so hard, Justin. I try so fucking hard to be stronger and ignore those fucking negativity but truth is, I can't. I'm still the girl with the scars." She said. 

Justin shook his head. "No you're not. You're very strong and those bitches are nothing compared to you." 

"But they are Justin, don't lie. You seen me dance." 

"Okay, maybe you aren't the best dancer but you have a lot other qualities than that." He siad, surrendering. 

"I'm sorry," She said again. 

"I'm sorry too," He said and he grabbed her waist tightly. "Are you cold?" He asked as wind blew into their face. She nodded, letting him take his jacket off. "Let's get you home." 

He walked her back to the parking lot, glancing at Karla. "Hey, hey," He said softly, his hands cupping her pale skin. "Let me make it up to you." 

"That's not necessary." She said and she felt guilty. Why did she have to be so dramatic over nothing? She made a big fuss about a small thing and she wished she could take it back. 

"No, I want to." He said, smiling. "Dinner at eight tonight? Our favorite place." 

She giggled, over these two years they had found their favorite dinner spot; near a fabulous beach house where a small family ran the restaurant. There weren't many costumers there and the restaurant owner was a really humble man. Never have they asked for pictures, promotions or autograph which Justin was surprised at. Once a month, Karla and Justin would go there to pay them a visit, get some good food and to gaze at the lovely sunset. "They finished really early though." 

Justin checked his watch, furrowing his eyebrows, "If we go now, we can just about get there on time." 

Karla sighed, touching Justin gently on the arm, "The director is expecting you to go back on set. It's fine, I'll meet you at home later." 

Justin didn't want to go back, he much rather stay with Karla but he could see she was right. If he didn't go back there and finish shooting at least a quarter of the music video, he would let everyone down; including himself. "See you at home then?" He gave her a small kiss and a sad smile. 

Karla watched him walk off and started the car. As she drove home alone, she couldn't help but think. Why was she so weak? Surely you think she could take a bit of criticism. She felt so ashamed of herself. She embarrassed everyone, including herself. 

When she got home, she tried not to think about it. She dumped her bag down, talked to Pattie a bit and took a few sleeping pills. Her head went straight for the pillow and she laid down and tried to get some rest. 

The sleeping pills her doctor perscribed her last time were meant for having a better sleep, she took a few more, wondering why the effect wasn't wearing off her. She wasn't sleepy at all. 

So she just sat on the empty bed and gazed out the window. Feeling bored she took her phone at and scrolled down the contact lift and when she reached the "C" part she suddenly remembered what happened in the morning. 


She convinced herself to call him, just to ask him how he was. After all, it'ws been such a long time. Surely, the awkwardness bound to have disappeared, right? 

"Chaz?" She said softly into the phone. Her voice sounded weird and a bit hoarse from the shouting in the bathroom. 

"Is that you Karla?" 

"Yeah, it's me." 

There was a long hesitation before Chaz replied. He was shocked to hear her voice after she had told him never to take to her again. "Why are you calling me?" Chaz said. He sounded harsh, as if he didn't want to talk to Karla but really he was overjoyed. 

"I don't know, I guess I just wanted to here your voice." 

Chaz didn't say anything but he took a deep breath, trying hard not to cry. Through these two years, he didn't let himself know any girls. He wasn't over Karla yet. He missed that amazing week when she stayed at his house and all the fun they had. He missed her gorgeous smile and the way she flipped her hair. 

But deep down he knew he didn't deserve her anymore. He betrayed her trust, as a friend and as an ex. He hurt her and made her cry. 

Chaz would never forgive himself for that. Even if Karla did. 

He wanted her to know, though. That he never stopped thinking of her. And that if he could have another chance he would make things right. He wanted to earn her trust back and make her smile again. 

"Karla listen, I have something to say-" 

So I'm going leave you guys with a cliffhanger. Interesting plot? I'm kind of re-reading IGYEB, to see if I made any mistakes because I honestly don't remember what I wrote. Embarassing, I know. :/ 

10 comments and 10 votes beofre I upload! 

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