Chapter 5

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Harry was running out of time. That was what he thought as he, while out of breath, squat down and furiously looked around the corner of the old library that contained no visitors since decades.

It all was dusty and rusty and Harry could cry on the spot. There was no way for Harry to find out how long he had been gone for, but it certainly felt like ages. But not knowing drove him mad and it also pushed him to the brink of sadness. Not because no one was there with him, because enough people were. But the only person that he yearned for, his starlet, she wasn't.

And what made him want to cry because it frustrated him so much was that he never wanted his little starlet to think anything bad of him - on the contrary, he didn't want her to think he left her willingly.

He knew that now was too late, but he was still mad at himself for letting things get the way the got.

And now he was on his own, being chased by a few of the only people residing with him in the universe he was stuck in against his will. He yet had to find out why and how he got there in first place, but for that, he needed answers that were only accessible to whoever got their hands on the yellow-hued stone.

The piece of paper around it was the answer to all of his problems, and right now, hiding behind that bookshelf he had it in his makeshift bag he created, using some sort of strong leaf he found when he first found himself where he was at right now.

As he heard footsteps that were getting louder and louder, he knew he was screwed. So, plan B it was. It consisted of nothing yet, simply because Harry didn't think he would end up needing a plan B, but now he decided that sliding along the putrid wooden floor that somehow was still in enough shape to be able to slide on it, and taking the corner that would lead him to the stairwell that not really surprisingly, led him to another floor of book-clad shelves, was the solution.

He took the opportunity of not hearing anything within a radius of at least 5 feet behind him to sprint up and go straight for the door he prayed was another way out of this old shack he was trapped in, while the sun outside didn't do him much of a favour because his skin underneath his beach flannel, he ironically had on since the very day he disappeared from the face of earth, was burning hot and probably red, too.

The only thing Harry was met with after opening the door he thought was his only escape, was nothing but a wall fully of bricks, red ones, at that. They were tightly built upon one another and while one might think this was an illusion, this seemed all too familiar, even for Harry.

For some reason, as Harry felt the two men, that he knew were dressed like they were some sort of special operation leaders clasp their strong vice-like grips around his shoulders, he found it in himself to just give in and let them have their way with him.

There was nothing left to fight for anyway. Might as well get it over with.


Green eyes met with a dark greyish sky that looked like it was about to announce a storm.

He tasted the already ever-present, slightly salty rain on his tongue, and with that the sadness that he felt deep within his soul that he just couldn't shake, no matter how much time he spent trying to figure out a way to escape this cruel circle he was trapped within.

He got up from under the willow tree he had built up his little makeshift tent with material he had found inside different locations he combed through trying to come to a conclusion as to what was happening to him. He still had a sliver of hope within himself.

And then, the unidentified feeling within himself, identified itself. Harry remembered what happened before he blacked out. He somehow got knocked over by the guys who had their hands on his precious yellow-hued stone and that resulted to his soul giving up- which again, resulted to him getting 're-spawned' like in a Minecraft match back where he was originally 'spawned'.

In a sense, he was happy he could fail as terribly as ever, because that, in the end, will not matter. He always got re-spawned after failing, so in a sense, it's a sliver of hope that doesn't let him give up.

As he pushed his hand against his forehead in frustration, it poured even harder and harder and harder, until Harry decided it was time for him to join the tent. The poor tent that spent the whole day outside on its own. It was saddening.

So, Harry crawled right into his beloved tent out of stitches and green and blue and yellow and even purple pieces of yarn that were probably washed last in the 70s. He grinned to himself.

The first time he had unfortunately succumbed to the feeling of death when he arrived in that godawful place, he thought that he would finally be able to join Laine in heaven. Or hell, he didn't care as long as he was with Laine.

But.. obviously he didn't ever actually die. That made him a little sad. But he still loved his starlet enough to try for her. Laine could wait.

He wanted to jack off so badly. God knows how long it'd been.. but the only problem was that he couldn't get off no matter how many times he pictured little starlet's parted legs with his hot and sticky cum dripping out of her folds.

And that image, well, before he found himself where he was at the moment, always had done its job more than perfectly fine.

So maybe, sexual gratification wasn't possible in this weird alternate universe he was stuck in. Maybe it was already fucking heaven and the only reason he hadn't stumbled across Laine was because she had done something awful behind his back and not even God himself could find it in himself to forgive her.

Harry just never knew her as a bitch. She had always been an innocent angel.

Maybe that was why he needed starlet more than anyone else after Laine had killed herself.

Harry sighed in frustration and decided he no longer felt like going after his yellow-hued stone for the rest of the day, as long as it kept pouring. He just hoped the mean fuckers that stole it from him didn't leave it out in the rain- God only knew what would've happened to the paper around it. And he would be back to square one, and he didn't want that at all.

So he laid down and after a few minutes of silence and rain, silence and rain, silence and rain, he closed his eyes and drifted off once again after so many failed attempts at escapism.


A.n.: I am aware that not everything gets cleared up in this chapter, but nevertheless, some things do. Hope u had fun reading this and discovering the meanings of past claims my characters have made in this book. Have a good one :)


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