Chapter # 23 (gifts)

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Hehe! Don't kill me pwiieess!

Avu's pov:

I was too much angry on him and.... I think that... I burst a lil much on him..

A lil much?

Fine... Too much... I banged the door with full force when I went in I saw... Setiouslyyyyyyy! Wooaahhhhh! It's just my bed is full of balloons.. A cute and big teady.... A box of chocolatteess! And a box of lipstick! Yoo 🤟! Who did this BTW! Here's a card also.... I went and took that card I started reading it!


Avu see I know that I shouldn't have said that to you... I was angry that time and you know na my anger issues... After that making your wrist to bleed again when you were just there to call me... I'm so freaking much sorry...

Avu's pov: Not just this you dumbo!


Stop calling me dumbo... I know that I didn't just made your wrist bleed again I did much things but I don't remember in detail...

Avu's pov: How did he read my mind? Is he a mind reader?


No I'm not a mind reader.... I just know you very well.... So I did all this to say......









Avu's pov: Wht is he gonna say? And wht the hell is this now!









Kiyun bataoun🤪.

Avu face palmed...


Hey! Don't fave palm... I was gonna say I'm. Soooooooo freaking much... Sorry! Plz...


Letter finished here...

Avu's pov:

How he know me sooooo well! I just loved all this... I went downstairs with a grumpy face... Ha! Love to tease him! They saw me.... Sid.... Was.... Cursing..... Me!!!!!! I glared at him with a dangerous look...Evy1 except Sid looked at me cuz I was facing his back and evy1 else were facing me...

Vaish: Ummm-sid stop!

Sid: Why? If she can curse me thaaattt much why can't I?

Evy1 gave him a look "look behind"... He understood and looked back while saying...

Sid: You all are acting like avu is here... (Saw avu and again looked at grp) Soo! She's avu.... Wait wht the f*ck... She's avu.....

Pov ends...

He stood up! And faced avu who gave a dangerous look to him and he gulped....

Avu: You......You......Mamaaaa!

Sid: I-if.... Y.... You ca... Can cur.... Curse me.... Th... Than why... Why can... Can't I?

Avu: You na! Get lost! I'll not talk to you...

She said and folded her arms and looked away...

Sid: Ummm-K if you don't wanna talk to me... Give that gifts back which k gave you...

He said glaring at her...

Avu: Ok fine I am talking to you....

Sid smirked...

Avu made a cute grumpy face and pouted...Sid chuckled...

Avu: BTW! I loved your gift... It's superb...(she said cutely while clapping and jumping)

Sid: I gave you that much chocolate for sharing..

Avu: (she again said cutely while clapping and jumping) But I will not share...

Sid: But sharing is caring...

Avu: (again same) And I don't care...

Evy1 else face palmed and she chuckled...

         Hope ya all like it...

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