Chapter # 24 (kick)

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Now evy1 is sitting on dinning table as it is 4:00 and is lunch time.... They are sitting like... Abhi, vaish, krups, ash, ashu,ran, avu and Sid...

(Note:ashu's and vaish's place is empty as they both are in kitchen... Making lunch)

Avu layed her head on table... Sid was facing her head from back side... Her hair were spread on the table.... Sid smirked in mind and....

Sid's pov:

I can tell by seeing avu that she's so freaking much hungry rn... As in morning she was angry.. From me😑... And didn't ate breakfast.... She layed down her head and I am facing her head's back side.... Hmmm... Her hair were spread on my side's table... Who say these gurls to take their hair that much long? BTW! I love her hair and nobody knows it... Wait wht? Uurrgghhh! I wanna tease her... Hmmm... Wht to dooo? Oh yeah! (Smirked in mind)...

Sid's pov ends...

Avu's pov:

Whtever happened rn ya all know... I'm not in mood of telling... I felt a hand on my hair.... I didn't care at all that who's it I just shook my head for making my hair free.... This happens more than 2 times.... Now I felt something liquid on my hair I stood up shocked as ya all know how much I love my hair... I saw Sid laughing.... Uuurrrgghhhh! This boy... Why in this world he want to prank just me...

Avu: Wht the hell you throwed on my hair? (I asked checking my hair)

Sid: Can I seriously tell you? Cuz I bet you will start crying... (He said smirking)

Wht he throwed on my hair?

Avu: I will not cry! TELL MEEE! (I yelled)

Sid: I throwed yogurt on it...


Than Sid started running and me chasing him....After 15mins we heard sm1 scolding us...Ya who else can it be? Vaish di is scolding us....We both stopped....I dunno when tears rolled down my eyes....I lovey hair soooooo much....

Sid: (looking at me with wide eyes) YOU.....ARE...SERIOUSLY...CRYING?

I just looked away...He came to me and made me to look him...

Sid: Avu I was pranking....I didn't threw yogurt on it....

I pushed him....He fall on the floor while I just started coming towards him while showing my index finger to him....Soon I sat near him....while cursing😁....He gulped....I held his collar...

Avu: You naptune's unborn gramdmother's idiotic idiot creature.... If that wasn't yogurt than wht was it huh? Lieerr...

Krups: Avu he's saying tight it was water not yogurt.... See...

She showed me a glass that was half empty I glared at him and left his collar... He was abt to stand up when I again went towards him and kicked him.... Wht was the need of it? Not of kick bro of throwing water on my hair. He winced in pain and held his stomach... Yeah I kicked him on stomach... 😁...

Sid: Ouuuucchhh! Nakchadiii!

Avu: Wht nakchadi? Wht was the need of it?

Sid: Yeah I'm.... Ouch.... Also... Asking... Wht was the need.... Oouu.... Of this ki... Kick?


Sid: Ouuuu!!!!

I was going to say something when we heard a voice... Of vaish diiii!!!!!

Vaish: Mr and MRS nigam... We've done our half lunch... Come here and eat your lunch....

Seriously? Mr and MRS:nigam.... I saw evy1 except bandar smirking at us... I just glared at nadar and he gulped.... I went to my place and started eating my looveelyyy lunch...

         Hope ya all like it..

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