Chapter # 26 (mouse)

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Sid's pov:

We shouted on the top of our lungs... We looked down and saw... Avu crying.. I bent on my knees and...

Sid: Avu wht happened? Why are you crying?

Avu: Sid there....

She pointed towards somewhere... Evy1 looked at that side and found no1... We were helly tensed... She said look there and pointed towards there...

Sid: Avu no1 is there...

Avu: I know...

Sid: Than why are you crying?

Avu: There is a... M.... Mouse.... Aaaahhh!

She shouted on the top of her lungs making her grip more stronger...

Evy1 except avu: 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️...

Sid: Avu wht the hell! Damn it! You shouted and cried that much cuz of a mouse?

Avu: This Is mouse for you.. For me it's a monster... Plz kill it....

Suddenly she looked at grp and agaaiiinnn shouitteeddd onnn thheee toop off her lunnggsss! I want to kill her rn...

Sid: Nakchadi enough yaar how much you shout...

I don't know why she hugged me and started crying... Is today Sunday or cryday? 1st I was shocked but hugged her back and when I looked at that side I saw.... Riyaz😑.. I know evy1 know she's scared of him... Plus evy1 knows the reason.... If no than read chapter#25.. Leave all that... Now we all boys have a mission to kill that mouse.... We somehow after 3hrs running behind it we killed it.... Yaahhoo! Wait... From when I became avu?


Evy1 is sitting on dinning table.... Avu in front folding her arms glaring at evy1 especially me... And riyaz smirking... Uurrggghhh! I hate this boy.

Avu: Why the hell ya all gave him permission for staying heree!damn it!

Ri: See cutie... Principal sir said me to
. (He explained evy thing)

Wht the hell is cutie huh? I will cut his tongue...

Sm1 is burning here...

I'm not burning...

When I took your name?

Shut up!

See boy... Admit it that you love her.

I doonn'tt.... How many times I tell?

See you are me and I'm you... You love her... I know....

I'm.... I'm.... N... Not sure...

Ok than... Take your time bye..

I shut my mind and attend the lecture of avu... But we somehow managed to calm her...

Avu: Do whatever you want but I'll not teach him... I hate him...

Yeah! He's not here... He went to washroom...

Sid: I also hate him but..

She cuts me off while showing me her index finger... While gritting her teeth and a dangerous look... She is too much dangerous sometimes...

Avu: You shut your mouth... At least you shouldn't have said yes... Dumbo!

Sid: Wht I did huh? Abhi bro forced me...

And here goes our fight again... Now Riyaz is also here... But we didn't stopped fighting.... After smtine I gave up cuz I know she'll not stop... And...

Ri: I knew that my cutie will win....

He said with his hand on her shoulder..Uurrrggghhh! He's too much annoying I looked at avu uncomfortable cuz she is between me and Riyaz... I shot some death glares to him and he smirked.. I want to kill himm.. I moved a lil aside making way for avu cuz that chipku was stuck with her... She looked at me I signed her to move bit away... Now don't look at me like that... I knew she was uncomfortable... We talked a lot... Now evy1 went to sleep....

         Hope ya all like it...
         Take care.

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