First Blood

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Genesis was easily seduced.

Before she knew it, she was laying back on the red silky bed, enjoying the feel of it as it brushed against her arms. She still had her clothes on, but with the way Sex Machine was examining her as he slowly approached from the shadows- she knew she was about to lose well as something else.

"Are you ready?"

Genesis rapidly nodded, her heart racing as she recalled everything that had led up to that moment. It was sort of a blur, but she recalled him taking her hand and leading her back to his lair. She couldn't even recall if she paid or not- but she must've with the way things were going. He wouldn't do all this for free.

"I-I'm ready," she hesitated, wondering if she was going to be in any pain. She heard stories of women losing their virginity and how much it hurt, she only hoped it was easier than her mind painted it to be.

"Are you sure you want to give yourself to me?"

He must've seen the worry in her eyes, but it immediately turned to sadness. Genesis fumbled with the ends of her hair nervously, nodding in agreement.

"This may sound weird but I'm tired of being alone and afraid of every guy I see. I won't be with another man after my last ex. I can't ever see myself with one. But...robots are a different story." Genesis felt her soul fill with passion as Sex Machine climbed on the bed, hovering over her.

She really liked him. And he could tell. But this wasn't just a fangirl thought, if anything she wanted to see herself actually with him- going out and doing things like a normal couple. She could never experience it with a human, but with him...

"I like you a lot. I...want you to be my first." Genesis whispered as her eyes fluttered shut and she forgot all her worries.

It was the first time any client had ever asked him to be himself during sex. They would drool and lust over him on stage but in private they always wanted him to be someone else- whether it was a hot model, a friend, a family member...there was no end to human perversion. Someone as innocent as Genesis who merely wanted him as himself was refreshing, genuine- and it meant something.

Sex Machine brought his reflective screen close to Genesis, resting it against her damp forehead.
He left it there as she whimpered at the weight of him grinding against her- his hard rod rubbing against her inner thigh, inches from her entrance.

He wanted to see what she felt for him, and with each second that passed he became more and more aggressive.

Genesis's face screamed desire, and Sex Machine had no idea a human could want him so badly.

He felt his fingers suddenly crawl up to her neck, securing a rough hold on it as his claws began to dig into her flesh. He raised his other hand, twitching as some strange, dark energy began to leak into his circuits...

Before Genesis had time to react to what was going on, there was a sudden, loud slamming coming from outside the door.

A muffled, angry voice with a heavy accent could be heard hurling insults. It was Xavier, with his face flushed in anger and embarrassment. He had been told that Sex Machine took a girl into his quarters instead of the client he was supposed to take care of.

Sex Machine immediately let go of Genesis, examining his hand and the slight scratches he had formed on the woman's neck. She winced slightly as she touched them, then changed her pained expression into one of embarrassment.

"It's okay."

The banging continued, and Sex Machine lifted himself from the sheets. His vision focused on the door as he walked towards it, and for a moment all he could see was red.

The door slid open, and there stood the manager huffing and puffing. He looked over Sex Machine, then behind him at a rigid Genesis.

"Are you-are you for real!" He shouted, pointing and angry finger at the woman as she accidentally fell off the bed, scrambling to her feet.

"You fuck who I want you to fuck, dumb piece of junk. Knew you were going to start acting haywire after that fucking machine-."

Sex Machine instinctively grabbed Xavier's collar, shoving him back into the hallway as the door slid shut behind him. Genesis was still inside, unaware of what was going on and praying she wasn't going to get fined for anything.

Outside, the robot towered over Xavier as he struggled to get back up. He could sense the man's fear rising, the way his pupils dilated and heart beat aggressively against his rib age.

It was one of the few things he could sense about people. Whether he was programmed for it or not, it only got stronger with each passing day. Along with the urge...

It was an urge to dominate anything remotely human. The way they worshipped and drooled over him only furthered enhanced his understanding that they were beneath him. And now, the lack of respect he was receiving from someone who claimed to own him was only increasing his violent thoughts even further.

He wanted to terminate Xavier. For everything be had made him do since the very beginning- all for his greedy pockets to fill with everyone's  currency.

"Fuck you! Hey- hey someone help!" Xavier crawled towards the exit while a menacing, tall robot trailed behind him. He yelped out when a large, heavy boot slammed on his ankle, twisting it slowly.

"I have a very strong urge to do something to you." The calm robot's voice boomed in the hallway, blending with the music. Beside them in the lit rooms it appeared no one had any idea what was going on. They continued their sinful acts as a man died outside their doors, oblivious to everything.

"I wonder. Will you satisfy my innermost desire?" Sex Machine cracked the ankle beneath him, towering over Xavier as he screamed into the night.

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