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Genesis stood outside the hideout, rubbing her shivering arms as she waited for A to return.

It had been more than an hour, and with no sign of anything she feared the worse. Vail refused to take her to the shop, and she was scared to go alone. If he really was okay and she ran into the wrong person then she was fucked.

For now, she made herself stay put in case he did come back, but her patience was wearing thin. The woman was close to going back in and demanding Vail take her to the shop until she saw it.

A distant red light that glowed bright amidst the darkness surrounding it. It only grew bigger and bigger as it approached her, and with raised brows Genesis realized the cloaked figure was A.

He seemed to be in one piece, and in his grasp carried a white, glowing memory core that must have been for Peanut. Genesis smiled in relief, shaking her head as the stress faded from her shoulders.

"You did make it back. How was it? Did you find what you needed?"

A nodded, tapping the side of his head, "It is complete. I no longer require an upgrade."

At the shop, A had hacked his way in and taken everything he needed. There was a guard around the area who took notice and attempted to stop him, but it didn't prove well for the human.

"Geez with the way that guy in there was talking about the owner I thought you'd be in trouble. Glad you're okay." The two made their way inside, quietly walking down the hall until Genesis spoke up.

"So...I take it you know who hacked into your system? Who wiped your memory of my friend?"

A stopped, looking down at the small woman beside him. She seemed nervous a little, as if dreading what he would tell her next.

Truth be told, he didn't check who had corrupted his memory data. It was pointless to him, and the only reason he ever paired up with Genesis was so she could help him bring his true purpose to light. He needed to hide and he needed to plan. She proved useful at the moment.

Yes, with his new parts he installed he became more aware now. But it was an awareness Genesis didn't expect.

There was an undeniable urge in him to kill and dominate. It was all directed to humans, who he came to loathe even more now that he had evolved.

Even looking down at the woman made him feel some type of way...but underneath the hate there was something else.

His memories played back the time she had asked him to be himself during sex. It was a strange, simple thing to think of at the moment, but A couldn't help it. The angry bold words in his vision that labeled her as a target began to fade, and it soon died to nothing. He could only see her.

"Genesis. Back then, did you truly want me for who I am? Would I have been your first?"

Genesis was completely caught off guard by the comment, and she blinked repeatedly, trying to figure out what to say.

"I mean-," she stuttered slightly, cringing at the moment they had in the club.

"Sorry I was acting a little desperate," she awkwardly laughed at herself, face turning purple as she attempted to look the other way.

"I've always been a fan of yours so of course I meant what I said, but...," she looked up at A, fumbling with her hands.

"I realize it's best to wait for a special moment, even if it never comes. I can't be giving up something of mine to someone I like just because I'm a fan or I think they're cute. Even though I really like them. It has to be deeper, you know?"

A was silent. He knew what Genesis wanted, thought he realized he couldn't provide it. She was a human and he was a machine. There was nothing else he was capable of understanding besides violence. Nothing else he wanted to look forward to. Human emotions were foreign to him...

"I understand." He didn't know why he was suddenly bothered, and he barged back into the room where Vail was waiting.

The man jumped at the sudden outburst and almost flinched when Peanut's new piece was flung at him.

Vail examined it with interest and confusion, shaking his head, "You do realize this is a 17X core right? He needs an 8S-."

"I am aware and I am more than capable of understanding what he needs more than you do. If you fail to install it, your friend will expire."

Vail was a little thrown off by how blunt and rude the machine was, and the more he stared at him the more freaked out he felt.

There was something off with A. Something he didn't like at all. He felt like every part of his body inside and out was being analyzed, and it made him extremely uncomfortable.

"What is wrong?" A implied almost innocently, as if he had no idea he was making the other feel anxious.

"Nothing. I'll try it out. Thanks." Vail forced a nod of gratitude and turned back to Peanut, who was nearly unconscious at that point.

While he got to work, A walked back out and past Genesis, whom he regarded a little stiffly.

"We should return. We have matters to attend to."

As Vail watched the two depart as suddenly as they arrived, he felt like something was extremely wrong. The man made sure to finish working on his robot before resting back in his seat and studying his creation.

"Strange," he muttered, watching as Peanut's bright blue eyes began to flicker into a strong white color. The machine stood up from the table, sitting there for a good while before hopping off and beeping in joy. He examined his hands, presenting a mobility so smooth Vail had never witnessed it before.

"I don't like that machine, but he sure knows what he's doing," Vail responded to Peanut's cheerful chirps, glancing back at the door where the strange duo had left. He wondered if Genesis would be safe with something like that. A  sophisticated robot like A wouldn't waste time with a girl like her. Something of his build was sure to be used for important work.

"Hey- hey! Where do you think you're going?" Vail broke out of his thoughts when he noticed a rather eager Peanut exiting their residence without warning.

"You're not supposed to leave. Did you forget what happened- oh fine don't listen to me!" He gave up when Peanut didn't even acknowledge a word he was saying. With a loud huff, he sat back down and watched as the robot left him behind without a backwards glance.

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