Together at Last

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Genesis lay on her couch, rubbing her shoulders as tears streamed down her face. She couldn't find the will to get up and shower, not with knowing that A- or Annihilation- was gone and there was nothing she could do about it.

The thought once again sent a wave of anxiety flowing through her. She got up, rubbing her damp eyes again as she decided to finally drag her feet to the bathroom. She didn't want to turn on the light and look at the mess her whole face had become...but she did so anyways.

For a moment the tears stopped. She blinked repeatedly as she examined her runny makeup as well as her patchy head. Her fingertips traced her bald skull, but at that point she couldn't care less. A simple hat or a hoodie would cover the mess until her hair was a little longer. She just looked so...odd. No wonder the medical staff looked at her like she had just crawled out of hell.

Before heading back to her apartment, Genesis had managed to carry Vail to a nearby hospital. He was slipping in and out of consciousness from time to time, but still seemed aware of his surroundings. All he did was hold the woman's hand and try not to cry, for he knew what the robots had done. Genesis realized he must have felt horrible after discovering his "Peanut" had betrayed him...

A loud knock coming from the front door made the woman jump, and she pressed a shaky hand against her chest. Her heart was once again skyrocketing out of control, and she tried her best to reassure herself that everything was okay. She was out of harm's way.

After what seemed like forever, Genesis began to think that maybe she was just imagining things. She was about to take a shower and wash away the shock of the day, when someone knocked on the door once more. This time, she didn't stand still. The terrified human slowly inched closer and closer to the entrance, hoping not to make too much noise.

With only a short distance now left between her and whoever was outside, she crouched down and stayed quiet in case she could make out anything.

Nothing but complete silence greeted her, and she began to wonder who it was until a voice cut through the air. It spoke through her security system, right next to the door- in a deep, robotic tone she knew well.

"It is just me, Genesis. I can see you."

She couldn't believe it.

Her eyes widened. She scrambled for the door, forcing it to slide open.

"Oh...y-you're..." Genesis let out a loud sob as she embraced Annihilation- who was standing before her, unharmed and in one piece. She had imagined the worse and seeing him without a scratch put so much relief on her troubled mind. The woman wanted to speak, to ask what had happened, to kiss him over and over- but nothing could come out. It was like a dream, too good to be real.

"It's's really you, right?" She managed to choke out as she touched his shiny face, gazing into his inner light that burned with love. His large hand caressed her cheek, and she gripped on to it as tightly as she could.

"It is me," Annihilation finally managed to say, wrapping his arms around the small woman.

"I apologize. For what I have done to your kind, and to your friend. I desired to see you again- even if I do not deserve it."

Genesis coughed out a few tears, latching on to him as tightly as she could.

In that moment, she had forgiven him.

A machine who was invented to kill had learned to love, and if anyone thought it wasn't possible- it was. Not all things born evil could become entirely good, however. Genesis knew there would be trying times together, and his morbid nature would get the better of him- but it was something she was willing to work with.

"I love you, Genesis. I always will." Annihilation finally spoke again, eager to hold on to the human for as much he could. She smiled against his armor, enjoying the sound of his mechanisms humming inside his chest. It was like the sound of a heartbeat, gentle and slow.

"I love you, Annihilation." Genesis responded in a small whisper, wiping away her tears as she looked back up at him. The two couldn't tear away from each other, and although there was still so much to touch up on- such as Vail, Plague, and the fate of humanity- they knew it was alright to forget it all for just a moment...

He stepped inside the dark apartment, sliding the door shut behind them both.

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