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A paced the room, his hands tightly clasped together behind his back. He was greatly trying to restrain himself from lashing out and causing damage to everything around him.

After his unsuccessful operation, Vail was placed in a sealed room to recover from his surgery. A room which was suddenly empty when Peanut went to check up on his old friend two hours prior. There were no windows, no secret passages he could have escaped from. It was as if though he had vanished into thin air, but to where?

"We're suggesting a break in."

A turned to look at Peanut, squeezing his fist one final time before resting his shoulders and looking down. He gathered himself before turning to his partner, his red light glowing bright as he examined the robot before him.

"Are you suggesting a traitor?"

"Perhaps. Or perhaps an outside involvement."

A silently mulled over what he had just been told.

True, there was no way any of his creations would dare defy him, not even Peanut. There had to be something that knew every inch of his structure, everything about him...

A shifted uncomfortably as a thought popped into his mind. He felt his shoulder motors tense as he shook his head, realizing there was only one individual who could have taken Vail. But why?

"Peanut, you must leave. I need to be alone for a moment."

The white robot stood still for a short while before nodding quietly. He turned towards the door and was halfway out before facing his companion with a questioning gaze.

"I didn't want to talk about it now but...the girl. Is there something going on between you two?"

A didn't know why he was bringing up Genesis at the moment, but he knew it was going to be a topic of discussion sooner or later. He refused to respond, not even when he felt Peanut leave the area with his head low.

Once he was sure he was alone, A punched the wall with his fist, groaning loudly as the bloodlust anger returned.

Everything was becoming so complicated. His feelings for Genesis, his own emotions, his mission, a missing Vail, and now...his creator.

He knew the one who had brought him to life had something to do with his failed experiment's disappearance. There was no denying it the second time he scanned the place. Little pieces of data here and there that only he could observe where scattered around, and when he pieced them together, they were coordinates. To a place, no doubt, but for what purpose he did not know.

A knew he was being watched very closely since the beginning. He knew the mysterious being was aware of his inner turmoil...and perhaps kidnapping Vail was a way for them to finally meet.

Despite the cyborg's experiments failing, A couldn't just let the half human dwindle away. The other had to know of this.

There was a soft spot inside of A that was staring to form between him and those he put under his knife. They were his own creations, following him and obeying his orders. Everyone in the secret underground club he has created were all his. He transformed humans into machines and reworked their brains so they no longer remembered who or what they were. The cyborgs were further enhanced as well. That way, all they would think about was forming a perfect world under his guidance.

A recollected the tenderness he felt as he sliced open his screaming experiments. He first worked on their heads, then their inner organs. Cerci herself would have been just like the others in the club, but her brain had been too badly damaged and he wasn't as experienced. It was a shame to give up and not achieve perfect results. That was why he kept Vail hidden, to try again once he gained more knowledge of the cyborg's implant...but now he was gone. And he had to go after him.

A rolled his shoulders, focusing on his energy and making sure everything was set for the long road ahead of him. He wanted to let Peanut know he couldn't come along, but the other was stuck to him like glue. Everywhere he went, he could feel the white robot just a few miles away. It was charming, almost alluring at first...until he noticed it was starting to form into an unhealthy attachment.

It seemed Peanut was growing far too fond of him, and A realized he couldn't let it continue for long. Especially when he had his eyes set on Genesis and Genesis alone. If he hadn't formed a special bond with her, perhaps he would have amused his friend.

A shook his head, realizing he was getting sidetracked.

He had to meet his creator.

He had to get rid of these emotions. To focus solely on his purpose, his hatred.

A was convinced he had some sort of virus in his system. It was eating away in his insides, causing every day to weigh heavy on his shoulders.

Hurting Genesis was inevitable. He knew it would come sooner or later, and he preferred feeling nothing when it had to happen. He needed a full reset. A way to keep pushing forward without overthinking every decision he made. Perhaps that way he could return to his old self. A lonely robot with no emotion, only duty. The pain would finally disappear.

With his mind set on his plans, he turned in time to catch Peanut watching him from the darkness of the outside hallway. His bright glowing eyes studied him very closely, as if he knew exactly what he was thinking.

A stared back at him, feeling an impulse to tell him to join along despite thinking otherwise just a few moments ago. It wouldn't hurt to have someone to confide in as he made his way to his creator, perhaps he would even prove useful if anything happened.

"I need you." The dark robot stretched out his hand, waving him over with a curled finger.

Peanut obediently listened, stepping closer to his companion with an almost pleased tone in his voice, "What's on your mind?"

"I know where your friend Vail is. We have to make our way over to him now." A did an overall scan of the robot in front of him, making sure his vitals were fine before leaving. He didn't want to tell him where they were going just yet. The questions could come later, but as of that moment he needed to focus. If he didn't do what he needed to do, he wouldn't be able to function another day. He was on the brink of exposing every dark secret of his to act that would cause her to hate him forever. Either way, he was bound to lose the human he had come to adore. She would come to despise him no matter what he did. If only she could see things his way.

"You seem to be struggling. Don't worry. I'm sure everything will be fine." Peanut knew what was going on with A, and even his innermost thoughts. He silently walked beside him, and the two tall beings exited the club, in search of their failed experiment.

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