Chapter II

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"Ugh... The history class is so boring," Haven groaned in his head as Mrs. Franks was teaching... history stuff. "I'm just gonna take a nap or whatever." He told himself. Little did he know, that would've been the worst time for a deep and heavy sleeper to fall asleep during class.

"Attention students and staff, we have just been alerted that a tornado is coming towards us. Please perform the tasks that we have practiced in the past and try not to panic. I repeat; we have just been alerted that a tornado is coming our way. Please perform the tasks that we have practiced in the past and try not to panic." All around the class you could hear the students start to panic and worry. The teacher didn't say anything when the teenagers were taking out their phones to tell their parents, siblings, etc. of the news and that they love them if anything were to happen.

Most of the students had rushed out of their classrooms by now. The windows were slowly starting to crack because the power of the tornado, rain, and wind. Nobody, except one student, realized someone was missing. That one person knew some people would fall asleep during the history class.

"Wait, Haven is still in the classroom! Oh god-" The student yelled as they were running towards the classroom, trying to pick him up and bring him to where everyone else was. The students were shocked and waited in anticipation as that one student ran back into the classroom.

"Kenji! Don't do it, you'll get hurt!" one of the students yelled to him, right as they were about to get in the door.

"That's my friend in there, ok? I would rather get hurt, or even die, trying to save someone, especially someone I care about, than have to live with the fact they died because nobody decided to do anything to save them before help got here." Kenji said in a stern and serious tone. He then turned around and went into the classroom.

Most of the students were crying by now. There was a sudden and extremely loud crash inside the classroom, causing the students who heard it to scream loud enough to make someone deaf. Kenji and Haven's friend, Mable, started crying even harder. That's when the teacher realized... Neither Kenji nor Haven had came out of the classroom yet. "Shit," the teacher muttered, pulling out her phone to call the principle.

"Did you call emergency services yet? .... NO?! Why not?!" The teacher then closed her phone with an angry manner.

"Someone call Emergency Services! Now! So they can get here as soon as possible!" All the students looked shocked at what they heard. Most of them didn't really even like Haven, or Kenji. Haven was known as the weird loner and gamer, and Kenji was just the quiet, nerdy kid. Now people felt horrible knowing that they both might be dead and they never could've said sorry to either of them. Mable was being comforted and hugged by another student. It affected her the most out of all the students because she was friends with the both of them, and now she didn't know if she would ever see them alive again.

"I-I'll call." Finally, one of the students was going to call. "Thank you, Stacy." The teacher said.


Haven could faintly hear the rescue team of firefighters, police, etc. "We have to clear all the debris and concrete before we are able to find the kids!"

"Ugh... what happened?" The protagonist groaned in his head, having a horrible headache. His vision was going in and out. "My body hurts so bad, and I'm so tired... I'll just go to sleep again..." His eyes started closing as he started drifting away again. The last thing he heard was the faint voice of a firefighter saying, "They're here! Come on, I need backup, get over here!"


Beep. Beep. Beep. That's what Haven heard as he woke up. His head was pounding and he couldn't move without hurting even worse. His eyes fluttered open as he groaned quite loudly.

"Doctor! Doctor, he's awake!" His mom. She was so worried about him when she got the news. She hugged him lightly, not wanting to hurt him. "I was so worried about you, sweetie... Please never let this happen again." He muttered a faint 'ok'.

The doctors did a check-up on him while he was still passed out and he needed to stay there for at least 5 to 8 months until he could recover enough to walk, move properly, etc. "We'll give him some medicine every now and then. We'll also give him daily check-ups to see if he's getting any better..." The rest of the words the doctor said started to become a blob of nothing. His vision was going dark again. "I'm tired..." he muttered. The doctor and his mom looked at him. Haven was all bandaged up. He had broken bones and a lot of wounds from all the damage of the ceiling falling on him. "I love you, Haven. I hope you get better soon..." His mom kissed his forehead and tried smiling. "I... love you too, mom..." he lowly muttered. She was a bit shocked at him saying that but it helped her smile become more realistic looking. But that was the last he would see of her for a long time. The last thing he heard before drifting off completely again was his mom crying and the doctor calling for other doctors.

His heart rate was slowing down.


"My head... ugh." Haven groaned, lifting himself up to by his elbows. "Where am I?! Wasn't I just in the hospital?" He got up on his legs, staring around. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. "What kind of Narnia type shit is this place?!" He muttered under his breath.

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