Chapter V

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They both ascended into the door, Haven turned around after the door slammed closed behind them. "Huh. That wasn't really expected." The scenery was kind of... plain. Compared to the place they both just came from, at least. The floor was covered in white and black marble tiles, the walls were a light beige color. Fairy lights were hung on every wall, lighting up the room in a decent way. There were a few bookshelves, as well, all of them being full of books. The room was decorated with an assortment of chairs, sofas, bean bags, and more seating areas. There were a bunch of blankets, thin ones, fluffy ones, and more. There was also plenty of food, snacks, and drinks. The room seemed as if it was supposed to be . . . comforting, in a way? Maybe even a place to relax. They couldn't exactly tell very well.

"Hola, bitches," a loud and excited voice filled the room. That was when they noticed the speakers in the top corners of the rooms. "Haha, okay, uh . . . I'm Storm." They paused for a split second. "Me and the other creator, Kenji, will be explaining some things about this place and what you are to do. Take a seat, relax, have a drink or something to eat. Whatever you'd like. Just . . . don't make a mess."

Haven and Lhtia both looked at each other. Haven shrugged and walked to one of the mini snack areas, grabbing an energy drink and some pepperoni pizza. He plopped onto a sofa that was near him with a huff and waited for the voices to talk again. Lhtia, on the other hand, settled on some sparkling water and a yogurt bowl that came with a side of granola and some fruits. They then sat on the couch Haven sat on, placing their drinks on the table to put their yogurt-fruit parfait together. A good few minutes had passed, maybe around 10. Both players were just sitting there waiting for one of the creators to talk again, drinking and eating while waiting.

"Alright, it seems you two have settled down and are now relaxed. Let us tell you what this place is first," The first creator they heard earlier, Storm, had talked again. They both kept their ears alert to listen to what they were saying.

"The place you are in right now is called the 'Mythical Mazes'. I created this when I went into a coma a few months ago. I will be here until I wake up from my tragedy, if I happen to, and someone else will take over my position. When someone comes here, they are in a coma as well. Whether they wake up or not, well... That depends on if they can escape this place," Storm paused for a second, letting them process what they were hearing. Haven looked stunned. On the other hand, Lhtia looked somewhat calm and had their hands clamped together, eyes looking down at the ground. Both were processing what they were being told though. "When you escape this place alone you are free to go. But if you are with one or more people, one of the people must stay. They get the choice to be a monster in the mazes for a month. Or, they could choose to fall into a pit of spikes and be stuck there for a few hours. I will be allowing Kenji to explain the rest. We will talk to you in about half an hour. Thank you for cooperating with us, players. You can use your time to relax, process what was said, anything you'd like. Just don't do anything reckless, please." The talking then stopped, being replaced by calming music.

"Well, that was a lot. I will be sitting here, drinking tea or eating some finger sandwiches." Lhtia said, sighing as he got up to fill his empty cup with honey tea. Haven just sat there, nodding his head and slowly biting into a ham sandwich he grabbed while Storm was still talking. He was still very stunned by the information. After a few minutes though, he shook it off and got up to grab some more pizza and an OJ box. They both sat there for a while just being quiet and processing the information given to them.

Haven thought out loud a few times, only speaking in a mumble. The main thing he said was, "How the hell am I supposed to process the rest if the information I was just given stunned me for like 10 fucking minutes..." Lhtia stayed quiet, but also silently agreed in his head with what the human he was in the room with had just said.

"Greetings, players. I'm Kenji, the other creator of this place." A slightly deep but quiet and angelic voice filled the room then, coming from the speakers. "I will be explaining the rest. So, grab what you would like and have a seat. Prepare to listen. I will give you a few more minutes to grab what you'd like, some water or tea, maybe even some finger sandwiches. Whatever suits you."

After they had their little break and got what they felt they needed, some blankets, water, tea, and some snacks, they sat back down. Haven decided to sit in one of the rocking chairs that were covered with comfortable cushioning. Lhtia just decided to sit back down on the sofa they were both on before.

"Alright, it seems that you both are more comfortable, so I will begin..." Kenji paused for a few seconds, gathering together what they wanted to say first. "I'll start with the basics first. So, when you enter a room there will be a puzzle. The puzzle can need either Lhtia's, Haven's, or both of your knowledge. We have information about what you know and do to allow you both to do what you can. When you complete the room, another door will open. Beyond that room is a maze. That maze is occupied by one or two monsters for every maze. If a monster finds you, then you must run and hide until they don't know where you are anymore, if you wish to survive." Haven seemed like he was able to deal with this more than what the other creator had said before. Lhtia looked just as calm as he did when Storm had spoken.

Kenji continued speaking, "There will be spaces in the mazes for you to hide that the monsters won't be able to see. If you go into a hiding space, they won't be able to locate you. The more you survive, the harder the puzzles and mazes will get. There are five total puzzles and mazes. That means ten courses for you to complete. You may have help from both of us during some times. You only have three helping calls from me and Storm each. There will be breaks after every maze. You will come back to this room and you will be able to eat, drink, rest, and relax. There are plenty of supplies for food, drinks, as well as many resting and sitting areas, as you can see. You should sleep now and get plenty of rest for what you will be doing for the next few days. Good luck on building a bond to help you both survive this. I wish you luck, players. We will wake you in the morning." The speakers went out again.

Haven fell asleep on the rocking chair he was on about 20 minutes later. Lhtia was a bit confused about how he was able to fall asleep due to the position he was in. They thought it would probably be a bad idea if Haven had body aches the next day, so they moved him to the bed that was close by. Lhtia then cleaned up both of their snacks, beverages, and whatever they had eaten or drank in the time period of being in that room. They then fell asleep on the sofa they were previously sitting on, finding it quite comfortable to be on.

The next day, they would be able to meet the creators of the place they were in now.

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