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After taking fresh cold water back that night he came out of the bathroom towel wrap around his waist he found the kitty on the table sitting calmly all papers are scattered here and there . jungkook sigh heavily and dressed up into comfy clothes and pick the neatly dressed up kitty in his arms who got little startled too...but soon relaxed when familiar musk and black roses smells hit his nose ...


"Let's go down hyung is waiting for us"..

The kitty nodded he put the kitty on ground on his feet jungkook started walking and kitty started following him from behind...they reached downstairs.

"You found him jungkook I was so worried about that pretty kitty"..

Hearing praises kitty peaked out from the behind of jungkook...Hoseok and Mafia boss chuckle at the kitty who is cute without any efforts...

"Ohh my Hobie he is so cute".

Kitty snapped his head when he saw someone also present there he hide behind his daddy scared ....

"Kitty don't be scared that's jimin hyung ..Hoseok and Yoongi hyung's husband"..

Jungkook said softly slowly dragging the cat hybrid in front of him...


"Shuhh  no one is going to hurt you daddy is here".
Kitty obyed his daddy and sat on the chair ..... Looking down he didn't looked up soon the dinner was served and kittyy was struggling to eat noodles  he never tried it...he never in his 17 years ever used those chopsticks...

He was trying to eat with the chopsticks looking at jungkook trying to copy him...but failed he look down he push the bowl away and started fiddling his finger and kook noticed...

"Kitty you want my help"..
The kitty nodded he is hungry and exhausted many things happened today the poor thing literally had a long day...

Jungkook started feeding the. Kitty noodles who smile and ate fully ...drank the milk and purred contented!.. jungkook smiles a little..

Let me remind you...


Hoseok , jimin and jungkook was talking and kitty was just looking at jimin..who is talking to his daddy...

"Hoseok hyung and Jimin hyung why Yoongi hyung didn't came?"

"Sorry jungkook I told you he isn't here he is in abroad probably will back in two weeks after his work is done there"..

Jimin noticed kitty who is starring at his bump he smiles...

"Kitty you wanna touch my tummy"...

Kitty noded..and Jimin gesture him to come close he took tiny steps toward jimin and sat beside him...kitty is so small as compared to jimin and Hoseok ...

"W-why your tummy so big minie ?"

"Kitty were is your manners he older than you call him hyung".

"It's okay jungkook let him call minie I liked the names I guess"...

Jimin said and again smiling he found the kitty so adorable cute...

"So kitty there is a baby here in my tummy"..

"D-daddy minie is monster h-he had ate t-the baby"...
Kitty got scared he back off and every one laughed at the silly kitty...

"I didn't ate baby little furry ball ...the baby is here from the start...and will come out in two months..."

Daddy's kittyWhere stories live. Discover now