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Jungkook said stroking the boys cheeks who nodded...looking down with a big pout on his adorable lips .. jungkook bend down kiss his big pout and the kitty giggle as jungkook bambared his face with so many kisses....

But there beautiful moment was ruin when the bell rang..who it might be... jungkook was about go and check it was but kitty ran infront of him giggling...the kitty open the door and......

And aloud voice made kitty flinch badly he backed off and hide behind jungkook shivering treambling..

"D-daddy k-kitty tete i-is scared"
Kitty said as he hug the Mafia boss from the back hidding his face in the broad back....

"J-jungkookie w-who is that boy behind you?"

Kim Namjoon  his Brother in law and husband of Mafia boss 's elder brother Jeon Seokjin who is now Kim Seokjin said...

"Ahh hyung you came back I'm really happy to see you both".

Jungkook said giving them a straight line smile and inviting both Namjin couples in..

"Come in please"

And Namjin came in ... Seokjin did nothing just stared at kitty they took there seat on the couch and kitty was still following jungkook like a scared lost puppy....

"You don't need to be scared baby see he is Seokjin hyung my Elder brother say hi to him hmm"..

Jungkook said pointing towards the handsome yet silent male sat beside his husband and starring at kitty ....

"And that's Hyung's husband Kim Namjoon"

"H-hi!" The kitty greeted them shyly and embarrassed looking down with a shy smile and Seokjin coo at him and Namjoon was shock ever since Seokjin came to know that he can't be mother he is barren he became cold he doesn't talk much doesn't react to any one's like they all have lost there handsome Jinnie hyung he isn't smiling not even talk...

But seeing Taehyung he saw himself how he used to be that little kid was something else looking at Taehyung Seokjin felt an urge to protect him from this unfair world....Seokjin was looking at the kitty with unreadable emotions is it love ?for the kid!!

"H-hyung what d-did doctor s-said there??"..
Well yes they were in Paris consulting doctor for his infertility but of no use ...he had already lost his all hope.....he was just waiting for miracle but after so many tries he lost everything ..he lost his every last hope to be mother now...a very last hope to hold the little world in his arms..

A silent tears escape from his lips seating beside Jungkook ...and jungkook engulf his hyung into comforting hug and kitty just stared at both duo for some reson he felt jealous so the kitty was naive didn't understand anything what they are talking one thing he knows that his daddy's brother is crying because he is sad ...

"J-jungkookie w-why god i-is so c-cruel w-ith m-me... y-your hyung did n-nothing bad t-to anyone t-then why God is being s-so hard o-on us"..

The Seokjin said clutching his brothers shirt and started crying harder ..Namjoon sighs sadly looking down....

Seokjin isn't angry on god but just sad sympathetic because he can't give his husband's the very last happiness he desires for...

Everything Namjoon sees Jin in such conditions his heart aches seeing his beautiful husband so vulnerable so weak just for him...because Namjoon once said ...he want to be dad ....

And after that Seokjin got silent when he heard he is barren yes infertile...he can't conceive any babies....

Whenever Seokjin looks at his arms those feels empty he had no happiness not even the little world they want to hold in their arms....all broken and shattered dreams they have ever saw ...

Hope is just a bad four letter word, when it seems that your prayers can't be heard feeling crazy, confused , jealous, sad isolated, weary , discourages and mad!!!

Trying to cope with his miseries..and not wanting to hope for any....withering away slowly dying from inside...those words of others killing him everyday inside him saying..

You're cursed and can't give heirs to us...

Everytime His relatives words ran in his head , always crying over his miseries with swollen eyes and broken hearts.. pounding hearts, soaring fears , fragile soul...

Why is it so hard??

Why it hurts so badly???

The hurt and pain continue to grow every day...inside of him...

"D-daddy w-why is t-this handsome uncle c-crying "..
Kitty asked as he said looking down fiddling his fingers feeling sad the way older is crying...

"Nothing baby ..hyung is sad "..
Jungkook said patting Kitty's head with his other hand...

Jin broke the hug and detach himself from the Mafia boss and ran upwards to his old room... Namjoon ran behind him...and jungkook sighs ..

"D-daddy d-did I h-hurt j-jin u-uncle h-he is sad b-because of m-me d-daddy"...

Kitty said while tears in his eyes jungkook looks at the kitty he is naive so innocent for the cruel world...he embraced the little kitty and and made him straddled on his lap....

Kitty started sniffliing hicupping and jungkook was patting and rubbing his back...

"Need water kitty hmm?"

Jungkook asked and kitty noded and jungkook made him drink water..

"D-daddy kitty tete i-is s-sad "..

The kitty said still hicupping and jungkook wipped his tears and peck his teary eyes his nose and lips....

"You know baby why hyung is sad"..


Kitty said whinning and jungkook carress his jaw and lastly pecking them...

"Because Hyung want baby like tete"
Jungkook said and kitty looked in mafia's eyes ..

"You mean baby like me"..
Kitty said and jungkook noded smiling patting his head...

"Yes baby like you but tiny one ".

He said showing him the tiny tiny hands ... Kitty's eyes sparkles with excitement when jungkook told him that hyung want tiny baby like like really smoll...

"B-but why they were sad daddy".

Kitty said ..

"Hyung is sad because he can't have baby like you because you're only one but a big baby"..

Jungkook said pecking his neck..

"C-can tete kitty be jinie uncle's baby "..

Daddy's kittyWhere stories live. Discover now