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"Aish fluffy don't talk like that just dolled up for Mr. Jeon look pretty for your daddy he don't want you to get hurt fluffy .. you're his adorable babyboy so don't hurt yourself okay pretty boy".

"Rweally b-but w-what if h-he asked m-me to cook ".

Kitty asked as he tilted his head and look at the hazel eyes man ..

"He won't ask you ".

"Buh-but we need t-to finish this hyungie plwease".

"Okay just stand besides me watch how I do it okay. "

And kitty nodded his head as he watch how Jinsoo sotey the veggies then adding sauces and stirring it adding rice cake water everything ..

"Baby can you bring me 2 eggs from the refrigerator hmm I need to make sunny side eggs for kimchi rice ".

"Ohh right away hyungie ".

As kitty ran to the refrigerator and brought the tray of eggs..Jinsoo taught him how to make the eggs and kitty surely did it well ..

As they were finished and it was already jungkook's time to come home ...kitty ran to his room to get all pretty for his daddy..

He picked nothing heavy but just red floral dress which was off shoulder looking so perfect on his curves he applied little amount of makeup wearing his bunny slippers he ran downstairs..

He sat there on the couch waiting for his daddy to come home's already seven in evening he was back probably around six everyday but today he was late...

Kitty waited for so long ..soon he got 8 ,9,10 and boom it's 12 'O' clock...kitty was already slept on the couch hugging his Tata plushie which his fav uncle hope gifted him 2 weeks ago..

The dress was now slight up revealing his beautiful thighs and the beautiful red lace panties he was wearing underneath ..

His face was adored with a pout ..eyes droopy.... jungkook wasn't home yet..

Food was already cold and kitty hated when his daddy is late ...kitty didn't waked he waited for so long ...

Soon the door open revealing jungkook who was really tired .he was stressed and so much work load he still had to do more I guess he had to work all night today...

As he entered the hall making sure to close the door . Walking straight to the couch but stops when he saw the beautiful kitty boy on the couch sleeping clutching his Tata plushie..

He stopped infront of him and admired the sleeping beauty infront of him ....he traced his fingers on Kitty's cheek bone those are ohh so soft for him..

"Why are you so beautiful baby ? How you melted my heart hmm I'm glad I found you ..I love you so so much ".

Jungkook said as he started waking the pretty boy up..

"Hey love get up ".

Jungkook said tried to wake the sleeping beauty ..who stirred in his sleep rubbing his eyes . His ears wiggling when he familiar scent hit his nose ofcourse of jungkook's .

Kitty didn't open his eyes and hug the male .

"Where were you daddy I c-cooked for you. I even hurt myself see".
Kitty showed his hand which had burshies on it . The wound on his finger . And his burning hand ohh my god his heart hurt seeing him like this...

Jungkook held his hand as jungkook kissed his burshied hand..

"See I kissed your pain away."

And kitty snuggle more in jungkook's neck and started sobbing..

"I even d-ressed pwretty for y-you ...and you didn't noticed that!".

Kitty said and jungkook noticed the beautiful floral dress he was wearing..jungkook stroke his babies thighs..and kitty open his eyes and look at jungkook..

"My baby did very hard work for d-daddy today d-don't you think baby deserves reward".

Jungkook said as he brush the boy's pretty hairs back..he peck the shell of Kitty's ears..

"But can we eat now baby I'm hungry then I can reward you and also I have a good news for you I'll tell you tomorrow okay !"

"Okay d-daddy ".

"Now now my furry baby get up from the couch and serve me aren't you you going to let me taste my baby's cooking hmm!"

Jungkook said and kitty stood up without wasting any time and running toward the kitchen where Jinsoo had already heated there food before leaving the house..

He immediately stood as he started serving the food to his daddy who came back after taking a bath wearing shorts and oversized black tee..

"Okay daddy take your seat because you're going to eat kitty tete's food ".

"Yeah ofcourse I'll do now serve me I'm hungry".

Kitty giggle as he served kichi fried rice with eggs..and teokbokki in the plates...after that Jinsoo also had cook ramyeon for them so kitty served the ramyeon in a bowls to..

"Born appetite!"

Jungkook said as he dig in and his eyes widened..

"You cooked this baby are you sure !"

"Yes Daddy Jinsoo-sii helped me in this ".

Kitty said looking down  and blushing jungkook held his hand pull him on the chair next to him ...the Mafia boss to serve the food for kitty in the wares and asked him to eat the food...

They eat there food happily kitty was also eating his food giving shy smile whenever his daddy praises him ...

Jungkook really enjoyed the food was the first time he was having his dinner home at night with the love of his life...

After having there dinner they  were now in their shared bedroom ...kitty was taking shower and changing himself into comfy clothes while the Mafia boss was waiting for him impatiently..

Soon the door open and here comes the kitty wearing his adorable brown bear hoddie with a panty underneath...kitty liked wearing laces as they were kinda comfy to him..

" Okay c'mon let's sleep I'm tired ".

Jungkook pulled the boy closer by his waist as he burried his head in the boys tummy by lifting his hoddie up..

"Buh-but daddy d-didn't rewarded k-kitty tete ".

Daddy's kittyWhere stories live. Discover now