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  "Ofcourse baby we will marry one day but for      that you need to be 18 as early as possible   humm!"

Jungkook said as he kiss the boys forehead who nodded and soon the sleep started taking over his beautiful eyes and he drifted to sleep. Jungkook to drifted to the deepest slumber due to tiredness cuddling his life in his arms....


So here they were cuddling on couch and kitty was above jungkook laying on his chest giggling laughing as he kept teasing jungkook by poking his tummy.

"Aren't you being a bad boy now huh! Baby love . Want me to punish such a pretty face boy hmm!"

Jungkook's voice whispers and kiss the kitty's neck moving and bitting his earlobe . Licking it and moaning unintentionally to make the boy more needy. Kitty closes his eyes as goosebumps buzzes on his skin curling his toe .

"Hey you can't close your eyes look at me it's your punishment ".

Jungkook said as he kiss his forehead and then started kissing his face over and over again .

"D-don't d-daddy y-you are triggering m-my heat i-its due date is tomorrow ".

Kitty said as he started blushing mess looking down as he started playing with jungkook's shirt buttons.

"Ohh is that so Okay then ".
And here jungkook got annoyed as kitty stoped him ! Jungkook stood up and left to bathroom to handle some important business down there which was bothering him really much.

That day jungkook didn't talk he was kind of sexually frustrated he want to make first move on Taehyung but he couldn't he didn't want kitty to think that he only want to be with him only for the body. It's been month since they didn't made love because kitty was waiting for his heat cycle to pass on . Jungkook to know it as according to his study cats can easily get pregnant during there heat so jungkook always used his hands to satisfy himself as it wasn't helping.

It isn't like jungkook isn't ready to be dad and all the thing is he didn't want the small boy to go through so much in his teenage . He just wanted to make his love independent unless like other assholes who used hybrid for only profits . He wasn't like them.

He went back to his office room to distract himself from the sexual thoughts he was having and to say time just passed with a flow as he emerged himself in his work and doze of on his table.

It was 12.30am when woke up from his sleep in midnight of nowhere. Yawning walking lazily towards there shared bedroom stretching his arms . He slowly opens bedrooms door . Only to found the kitty boy sleeping on the window in his cat form . Legs dangling down . Whimpering a while jungkook walk toward the sleepy baby as he held the sleepy kitty in his arms who streched his limbs lazily in jungkook's hold . jungkook slowly hugged the kitty and slowly kitty wrap his cute paws around jungkook's neck to find the warmth.


He whine in sleep. And jungkook kept patting his bum.

"Aish sleep baby my pretty boy is such a good boy for daddy . " Jungkook said as he kissed his chubby cheeks and keep the boy on the bed besides him. Kitty was in belly up position looking so cute adorable and jungkook could not help but coos at how adorable the sight was for him to watch.

Daddy's kittyWhere stories live. Discover now