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"Today I want to make love with you in the middle of the solace ...I want to make love with you in the deeper corner of your ocean will you let me do that?"

"Ah yes please love me then ".

And jungkook smirk because he had other plans in his coconut head....

After there wonderful breakfast kitty got back to their room and stayed there and about jungkook he was preparing for their date and everything .

It was already night and jungkook wasn't back . Kitty was panicking he decided to take a shower. After quick shower he came out and he started getting dressed .

Jungkook came back and found his pretty baby standing infront of mirror. Binding his hair as jungkook didn't told him anything about their date so he was getting ready for bed.

Wearing his loose night dress that was nearly touching his knees . Jungkook was watching everything standing leaning onto a wall . Looking at the boy and thinking how do it feels to trace his fingers on his curves.

Jungkook walked closer to him and kitty look at him through the mirror with damn those seductive eyes .

"Took you so long daddy ".

Kitty said applying lotion on his hands.

Jungkook kiss Kitty's shoulder while his left hand traces the outline of his thighs.

And foodling his bossom with right.

"Hmm I was busy preparing for our date tonight ".

Jungkook said.

"Really here ".

Kitty curiously ask..

"Come with me ".
Jungkook drag the boy to their spot.

It was on the rooftop of their ship , jungkook had rented whole rooftop for there date ...

Decorated with flowers and lights . A cozy date on a giant ship .

"Woah , so beautiful".

"I know you're beautiful ".

Jungkook said hugging him from the back.

"I didn't even dressed properly let me go and changed ".

Kitty said turning to go..

"What no !!"

Jungkook panicked yell..

"Why ?"

"Baby you can't go there !"

Jungkook said .

"But why?"
Kitty asked.

"You ask to many questions let's enjoy our dates okay!"

The pretty boy nodded as they sat on their seat and jungkook pour some wine in two glasses giving one glass to the kitty boy and one glass for himself.

Jungkook was looking damn sexy in those white shirt and black pants fitted tightly to his body and few buttons undone.

He walk towards his chair before taking their seat.

"So Mr . Jeon how are you feeling right now ?"

Jungkook asked the kitty who blushed when jungkook addressed him as 'Mr Jeon' he blinked his eyes looking down internally squealing...

"I'm good boy , Mr. Jeon!"

And kitty answered.

"Yeah sure you are , well aren't you hungry ?".

Daddy's kittyWhere stories live. Discover now