Chapter Four

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I sat on my bed with my biology books in front of me and attempted to do some work. The boys had invited me to a party but I decided not to go considering it was a school night and parties weren't really my thing. Yer, call me boring, but getting smashed and gang raped didn't interest me. Like, at all.

I looked down at my hand, twisting my ring around. I don't exactly know why I did that. I always found myself fiddling with it randomly, I guess it was a way to remember my family. At the age of 10 when I realised that it wasn't a pirates ring, I decided that it was my good luck charm. I was set on the fact that it worked even though it only actually worked on some occasions. And even then it still wasn't actually doing anything, but I didn't have the will to give up on it.

I looked up from my hands when I heard a taping noise against my window. Slowly I made my way over to the sound and then I pulled the corner of the blinds up and looked outside.

I took a deep breath as I realised it was Luke standing there giggling and swaying from side to side. I rolled my eyes and opened the curtain seeing Ashton was beside him, giggling also.

Sighing, I opened my window, which thankfully didn't have security screens. I really didn't feel like walking around to the back hard to retrieve my drunk friends.

"Hey Sky," Luke giggled climbing in the window. "Ashton and me," he paused swallowing before he continued, "are not drunk," he finished nodding his head as he swung the house keys around on his finger.

"Definitely not," I giggled as Ashton fell onto my bedroom floor with a thump. He groaned and stood up rubbing his head.

"Luke, why didn't you just come in through the front door?" I asked as I shut my curtain and turned around seeing Ashton laying on one side of my bed.

"It was very locked," he said shaking his head sadly. I giggled nodding at him.

"That's what keys are for buddy," I said pointing at them as he swung them around his finger.

"Oh there they are! Ash I found the keys!" Luke said excitedly. Ashton giggled.

"Your going to be so hangover tomorrow for school," I laughed, laying down on my bed.

"Guess what Skylar?" Luke said throwing the keys in the air and failing to catch them. He frowned looking down at the ground where they landed.

"What?" I mumbled, kind of getting sick of their drunken state.

"My cousin, who is kind of like my little sister, moved in with me today and it makes me happy, knowing she is my friend again," he said smiling brightly. I held back a laugh as I nodded, going along with Luke's story.

"Oh I know your cousin, she's pretty," Ashton said sitting up and pointing at Luke.

"You can't think my cousin's pretty Ashton, it's not allowed," Luke said shaking his head.

"How do you know I think your cousins pretty?" Ashton shot back and Luke stared back at him utterly confused.

"Because," Luke started scratching his head. "Because you just told me."

"Oh yer," Ashton giggled laying back down. He looked at me and smiled. "This person kind of looks like her Lukey," Ashton said poking my nose. This was honestly the funniest thing I have ever witnessed. Plus, things are ten times funnier when you have to hide your laugh. I didn't want to intrude on their cute little conversation, so I lay their holding my breath, attempting to muffle my laughter.

Luke moved down next to me so that he was laying on his side like Ashton was, both of them facing me while I was on my back.

"She does too," Luke said taking his turn at poking my face. Ok now it was getting weird.

After a few minutes of silence, and me close to being asleep someone finally spoke.

"Excuse me," Ashton asked, his voice sounded as though he had just been wondering through a pink fairy castle in his very own wonderland.

"What is it Ash?" I asked struggling to keep my eyes open.

"Can Lucas and I please go to sleep right here?" He mumbled his eyes closed. I looked over to see Luke was already passed out and I didn't have the energy to get up and get them into beds so I just agreed.

"Yep," I mumbled, finally letting my eyes glue shut. My last thought being the fact that in that exact moment I was actually really, really happy.

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