Part 25

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Mariano's POV: 

In the box was a simple slip of paper. Typed in a cursive font, it said: 

Strike One

Grabbing the box out of Valencia's hands, we both numbly walked to the door and entered what used to be my home. Without frattello here, it is simply a house. I carefully set the box on the floor in order to assure that no fingerprints or furniture dust ruined our chances of getting a clean print off of it. 

We said no words. I simply opened the door and led her through it, with my hand on her lean shoulder. She headed to where her room is when she stays here. I assume she wanted to wash the sadness off of her body. That is what I wished to do. But I knew that there would be no sleep tonight. There would most likely be no sleep for a while. 

Locking the door behind me, I used my app to make sure all the doors were locked and the alarms were set. The men were guarding the cameras from their respective rooms, as was per usual. Whatever this was, wasn't just some angry attack. This was personal. This person knew who my family was. While that wasn't too hard to figure out, they knew frattello was coming. They knew we would all be here to meet, and they knew just how to target my beautiful princess as well as myself. Whoever this was, they had a personal vendetta. Who specifically it was against, I wasn't sure. But considering the notes being left at my house, I'm assuming it was against me. 

I kept pondering as I walked down towards the basement. There were essentially four corners: one for training, one for torture, one for relaxation, and one for remediation. The remediation room contained a multitude of folders and evidence both for and against people who my family has crossed and vice versa. The answers have got to be in here. I headed to my office to continue the search.


Ariyah's POV: 

I received a very long text from Mariano letting me know it was safe to come out but that he didn't want me to unlock the door and that I could FaceTime him while he did some work. He explained that something bad happened, and I could tell even through the tone of his text that his brain was scattered. As much as he wanted to close himself off, I knew I was his calm. As long as we were safe, I was happy. But I also knew the likelihood of us always being safe and riding off into the sunset together was most likely dog shit. One of us would probably die all dramatically or something. 

What if I got eaten by a shark? I could be like Jonah and that big ass fish. Except it would be Ariyah and the big ass shark. Jonah was running away from his problems, and the only thing I run away from is running. I was smiling, hard. I have this thing I do where I smile in bad situations. I have no clue why, but I do. Considering the fact I haven't FaceTimed Mariano yet, there is no reason as to why I shouldn't. I just have to learn to keep it under control around others. 

I had re-organized Mariano's closet now, and I sat down tossing a bottle of Clive Christian No. 1. I hope I didn't break it, as this was one of the most expensive mens colognes in the world. It had a hefty price tag of two hundred fifty thousand dollars for this tiny bottle. I only knew about the price because I wrote an article on cologne and it's counterparts when I was in fifth grade. I was able to get Armani to change their main ingredient in a cologne of theirs to something more economical. I stopped tossing it and shook it. I wonder what would happen if I broke it.

Oh well. Setting aside that invasive thought, I started touching the walls behind Mariano's clothes. In all the cool mafia movies and books, they had a hidden compartment in the closet wall filled with guns. I just wanted to see if there was truth to that statement. If so, that was a stupid place to put it because everybody knew to look in the closet for guns. The black walls were decorated with small white pinstripe detailing that brought it all together. Wood beams held up Mariano's clothes, and I had already found a section filled with women's clothing. I hope Mariano didn't think he was getting away with that just because of all this stuff going on outside. Feeling against the wall furthest away from the door, I found nothing. It took quite a while, too. 

"Damn this smart man," I said to myself. Maybe the door thing was a myth. At least it removed the chance of me accidentally shooting myself in the foot! That was a very Ariyah thing to do. I remembered fondly that time I went as throwing and somehow managed to throw the ax right next to my foot. Apparently I was crazy for laughing it off and trying again. But at least people had a better reaction then compared to that time I accidentally shot a little girl's beanie with my bow and arrow. It's not like I didn't apologize. I'm not seeing the big deal. I still remember handing her the bright pink beanie back, with a hole the width of an arrow going through the fuzzy ball on top. Maybe she should have worn a bow that day. 

Right as my thoughts geared off track yet again, I found a seam in the left wall. My hands followed this seam, tracing the outlining. This wasn't just a hidden compartment, this was a door! I pressed against the smooth surface of the door until I found a circle. Throwing down a chunk of Mariano's clothing so I could see better, I pressed on the door and it magically opened. Wow, that was easy. Well, it was until I had to hop out of the way of four knives being thrown out of random holes in the wall. No book every told me about boobytrapping the secret compartment! 

I ventured further into the room and looked in aw at the multiple killing devices that lined the wall. Many were in special colors, decorated specially, and some were signed with signatures of people I didn't even know. Wait, was that Micheal Jac-

"OH LOOK! It's so shiny!" I audibly sighed as my eyes were drawn to a beautiful gun, studded with red, white, and black diamonds. Going to pick it up, I dramatically dodged to make sure no knives would come out. Looking up and seeing none, I unexpectedly dropped again. Then I picked up the beautiful object. It fit perfectly into my hand. It was almost as if it was made just for me! 

Tripping on the carpet, I kept stumbling backwards. By the time I stopped, I was standing outside the new killing compartment I had found. I fell back once more and knocked over Mariano's cologne I had set on the floor. As my foot hit the bottle, I thought about a paddle hitting my ass. I was dead if that broke. I almost dropped the gun, but I caught it just in time, as I somehow simultaneously slid the ornate gold and black rug oh-so-conveniently placed on the floor with my foot to catch the rolling of the bottle. Thankfully nothing was broken, except for my fragile little ego. But that would heal in a split second! 

I sat on the floor, tossing and playing with my new gun. I was having so much fun!


Mariano's POV:

I was not having fun. 

I found what I was looking for, and it was not good news. Something similar happened to the family in what started in 1847. The things happening to me didn't happen until sometime in the 1900s, but this pattern was eerily similar. 

We were in true danger, and I had yet to find out from who. 


HI EVERYONE, LONG TIME NO READ!!! I'm sorry for the delay. As I mentioned in my announcement.... Some things have happened that made me have to hang up my writers coat for a while. For that, I owe you all an incredibly big apology. For those who have chosen to stick around, I love you and I thank you very very much. But alas, a new season has come along!!! Read it and weep!!!

I will post the next chapter at 100 votes.

See y'all later, you sexy whores ;)

P.S.- Be good for mommy <3


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