Part 4

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Ariyah's POV:

I sighed as I finally made it back home. Today was tiring, to say the least. My hair wouldn't sit right, and the curls were extremely frizzy because I washed it and allowed it to dry without administering product. My boobs hurt because my period was starting soon, and my head ached because I hadn't eaten a sufficient meal. My professor, Karen, also chose today to single me out in front of everyone. Her name is very befitting to her personality. 

The entire way home, I wished to have been in my bed. I climbed up the stairs and stopped at my apartment door, number 1048. The paint was peeling off of the door, and the door casing was peeling away. To someone else, this might have looked unstable and rundown, but to me, it was home. As I walked inside, the aching of my feet almost completely subsided. Even my body knew that I was home. My phone pinged. As I look down, I see yet another text from Junior. I sigh, take a deep breath, and count to ten. 

Yeah, that didn't work. This guy is really starting to irritate me. 

I placed my bag on the ottoman next to my door, and the keys on the hook above it. I retrieved my house shoes from beside the ottoman and sat down next to my backpack. I massaged my tired feet as I took my shoes off. After doing this, I trudged to my room and flopped on the bed in true starfish fashion. I needed a serious nap before working at the club tonight.


I had three alarms set, and somehow, I managed to sleep through all of them. It was now 7:30. My shift started at 8:15, but I always got there early to set up. And of course, I had to watch out for the mysterious man. Looking at him satisfies the soul. His eyes penetrate deep into your soul and suck the thought out of it. He makes you feel like you are powerless, even thoughtless. As if you are a thing who's purpose of existence is to be directed by him. Your purpose is him. 

And that feeling is hot.

But his eyes also tell a story, one of hurt, one of anger, one of danger. His eyes were in my dreams, and instead of being disturbed, I slept soundly. Despite my being in a rush because I overslept, I felt calm. I was ready to attack my night with hard work and a steady attitude. In two days, it would be my friends birthday, and I would be going to the same bar I worked it. It would finally be my time to have fun, my time to be free, and my time to shine.

Now all I had to do was make it happen. 

As I rushed into the bar, I didn't even set my bag down. I went straight to work. As I set it on the counter, I began to set up for the busy night ahead.


It was now 1 am. My shift was finally over. The mysterious man had stared at me all night long, and it was like he knew all my bad thoughts of him. He knew I wanted him to ravish me all night long, and I could tell from his stare that he felt the same way. I cherished the moment I was able to be held in his embrace, even if only for a second. His cologne was wonderful, but his natural scent still radiated through. His strong, veiny, muscles were imprinted into my back, and everything just felt right. 

But it didn't stay that way. As I was walking out of the bar, a rough looking Junior grabs my arm harshly. His bones were digging into my skin again, but this time, it was my upper arm. My shoulder popped, and I screamed loudly. Junior slapped me. In the dark of night, he began to drag me along. 

"You bitch," he stated. "You cost me my job. And now, you are going to pay because of it. You put your dumb ass man and his office friends up against me, but I don't care. I'm finally gonna get into this tight pussy. I have no clue why I even tried to play nice with you, you are just like the rest of them. A lying slut that wants to play like she won't put out." 

With his right hand, he twisted my shirt in his hand and pressed his fist with the shirt in it towards my stomach, effectively pressing me against the wall and thwarting my attempts to get away. Then, my clothes were ripped away from my bottom half, exposing me to the humid air. His left hand went to his belt buckle. At that, we heard a door slam, and as Junior turned to see the cause of the noise, I punched him right in his already black eye. The mysterious man was barreling towards us. 

"You weak motherfucker. How dare you touch a woman. Especially this one. What did I tell you last time?" 

With each word, he punched him in the face, over and over. I heard a sickening crack, and looked away. I was struggling to piece back the parts of my outfit I could. Despite all of my hard work, it was still of no sufficient covering. I stopped hearing groans, and found the mysterious man staring at me with an unidentifiable emotion in his eyes. Despite the humid air, I repeatedly shivered. I began to realize the severity of the situation, and how the fear paralyzed me. I didn't know what to say, so I just rambled on and on. 

"I didn't know he would do that! He just grabbed me and took me here. I didn't know what to do! I tried, I really did. It's all my fault! Maybe he would have left me alone if I just gave it to him one time. I'm so sorry you had to see that."

He grabbed me and held me firmly to his chest. I could hear his heart beating erratically, though he showed no signs of it. His deep voice vibrated and filled my troubled soul with warmth. "Oh, mia bellisima princessa, sei cosi perfecta. You deserve nothing but the best, and that fucker has killed multiple women. You were not the first, but you will be the last. It had nothing to do with you, and everything to do with what went on in his sick mind. Trust me, everything will be okay."

His strong chest expanded as he took a deep breath. "I heard him talking on the phone about you to a camera company he had watching your house. He had been stalking you for a while now. I noticed him follow you out and ask to turn the cameras off, and when you didn't come back for the phone you forgot, I realized that something must have happened." 

He held me back, and used his pointer finger to gently tilt my chin up. He looked me directly in the eyes. "Look at me, princessa." 

I did. This time, I shivered, not from fear, but from his effect. His eyes darkened, and his voice deepened as he replied. "You are so worth it. Tu sei perfecto. Sei mio. No one deserves this, especially you. I will protect you. Everything will be okay."

And I believed him.



"Oh, mia bellisima princessa, sei cosi perfecta.

"Oh, my beautiful princess, you are so perfect."

"Tu sei perfecto. Sei mio."

"You are perfect, you are mine."

Thank y'all for over 100 views! I literally thought this book would get no views.

Today's question: Do you guys like longer chapters (1000+) or shorter chapters(-1000)?

A/n: The character's name is Ariyah, pronounced like "UH-RYE-UH"

I hope you guys liked this chapter! The word length is 1227. 

The next chapter will be posted at 20 reads and 6 comments. Stay safe and kinky!

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