Let's Have Some Fun

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Author: Time for a bit of romance... If you can call it that.

You watch as Black cat reaches behind her to grab the gem causing Khonshu to slam his staff down in anger.

Khonshu: Stop her!

Y/N: Uh could you not take that gem please?

Black cat smirks at you and brings the crimson gem in front of her.

Black cat: So polite... You know I've read about you.

Y/N: You have?

Khonshu: This is not the time for blushing at compliments you fool!

You quickly turn to Khonshu.

Y/N: I am not blushing!

Black cat looks in the direction that you are looking in to see nothing.

Black cat: Who are you talking to?

You slowly turn to Black cat with a blank expression hidden behind your mask.

Y/N: It's kinda a long story.

Black cat: You've piqued my interest... But maybe you can tell me later. I've got a pretty gem to sell.

Y/N: Or you could not... That would be a lot better.

Black cat smiles at you.

Black cat: Aren't you just adorable.

You slightly blush under the mask causing Khonshu to roar in irritation.

Y/N: Thank you... You're not so bad yourself.

Black cat: You know you are a lot different to the Ghost Spider... And Spiderman not that I've met him... At least not yet anyway.

Y/N: So you've met Ghost Spider?

Khonshu: Focus you idiot!

Black cat: Yeah... She asked me to stop but didn't ask so nicely and only once... You on the over hand, the media can't figure you out.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Black cat smiles wider as she paces around you while staring into the gem in her hands.

Black cat: Yeah... Some claim you treat criminals kindly and if they resist you knock them out carefully... You even apologise if you hurt them too badly.

Y/N: Yeah.

Black cat: But others claim you treat criminals with too much brutality... You often leave the bad guys with broken bones. People think you treat criminals based on the level of the crime but the more you've appeared the less likely that seems.

Y/N: Unfortunately yeah... Other me is not so nice.

Black cat: Other you? Do you have a partner?

Y/N: No I...

Suddenly the curtains rise and both you and Black cat turn to see Kingpin, Mary Jane and several other people staring at you and Cat in shock.

Y/N: Hello there.

You nervously wave your hand as Khonshu facepalms or skullpalms since his face is a bird skull. Kingpin glares at you a and Cat.

Kingpin: Stop them!

Suddenly the guards round the room charge towards you and Black cat.

Y/N: Looks like we're in for a...

You look to see Black cat gone.

Y/N: Where did she go?

Khonshu: Stop her!

Y/N's Two Lives (Male reader x Marvel Harem) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now