Eighteen - Your hair

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"Fuck, Jarla! What is it?" Orvar demanded after the sudden intrusion

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"Fuck, Jarla! What is it?" Orvar demanded after the sudden intrusion. He looked at the other orc with a near murderous expression. I recognized the bigger orc as the one that had chosen Amira last night.

If I thought Orvar looked intimidating before, now he was downright frightening.

Jarla turned around and faced the wall before he spoke again. "Sorry, Orvar. I expected you to be done with the fucking by now, but I guess you're still at it!"

I quickly wriggled off Orvar's lap, feeling embarrassed about getting caught in this intimate position. Orvar, however, grabbed my wrist when I was standing on my feet again and pulled me back onto his lap. "You stay here, woman," he whispered before he turned his attention back to Jarla. "What do you want?" he asked once more, his voice raised.

"Well..." Jarla replied, scratching his head. I could only guess he probably regretted coming here right now. "My woman has been wanting to go home for hours, as she's not feeling too well, but she refuses to leave without your woman."

Shit! I completely forgot about my promise to Amira!

"Oh, crap!" I cried out. "Amira and I were supposed to leave together! Is she angry with me?"

Jarla shook his head. "Not angry, but she seems worried. She's probably fearing that my leader broke you or something." Jarla chuckled, but he stopped laughing at the sound of Orvar's growl. "I left her with Betsy and promised to search for you. I- uh... wasn't expecting you and the commander to still be busy..."

I pulled my wrist out of Orvar's grip, and he immediately turned his attention back to me. He looked almost rejected because I'd freed myself from his touch.

"I promised Amira I would meet her in the morning so we could walk back home together. I need to get back to my family before they get worried," I explained, almost like an apology.

I'd been so caught up in spending time with Orvar that I totally forgot about time outside of this room. Amira was not once on my mind while I was with him. I'd been selfish.

A part of me didn't want to leave this place. It wanted to stay. With him. Which was absolutely ridiculous, yet felt so right. The thought that I might never see Orvar again was awful. But the other part of me knew I had to go back.

"Jarla?" Orvar then said, locking his gaze with mine. "Leave us. I'll bring her to your woman in a few minutes."

"Yes, commander," Jarla replied before he left the room as fast as he came.

"I need to pack my stuff." I crawled off Orvar's lap, and this time he let me.

He inhaled and a low guttural growl left his throat as he exhaled again and stood up himself. Before I was able to grab my bag, he'd wrapped his arms around me and pulled me so close that I bumped against his solid chest, my nose at the level of his heart. I felt it drumming against my cheek as he pulled me even closer. His heart thumped almost as fast as mine did.

Orc Of Mine - Book One - A Fantasy Monster Romance - Free BookWhere stories live. Discover now