Five - Betrayal

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"Oh, my god

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"Oh, my god... Oh- Oh my God," Olivia whispered. "That's one of them, is he not? A-an orc."

"Uh-huh," I hummed while my eyes were wide open and pinned on the monstrous figure standing in the distance.

He looked a lot like the orcs I'd once seen in the past, but this orc seemed to be even more notable for his tall and broad physique.

"That creature is even more hideous than I thought orcs would be. And I haven't even seen him close up! What- what must we do now, Gyda?" Olivia hissed, grabbing my arm, making us halt our steps. "We could still run home, hm? Of course, we cannot do that! It would greatly displease our mothers. They both have high hopes we will bear them a grandson!"

"There's nothing to do but follow the others," I answered, looking at the women ahead of us. "The orc doesn't seem to hurt them. He kept his hands on his back the whole time I'd observed him," I whispered back.

By the looks of it, he gave directions on how to enter the mountain. Following the other women, I understood we were to walk up a steep path and enter one of the caves to go inside the mountain.

"Oh-okay," Olivia agreed. "Yes. Yes." She breathed in. "You're right. I'm sorry, I panicked a little bit." She sniffed.

I grabbed her hand. "We're in this together. Side by side. Okay?" I touched her cheek and wiped some of her spilled tears away.

She smiled. "O-okay."

Olivia then bit her lip and I could tell she was thinking about something. "What is it?" I asked.

"Uhm... Y-your hair. We need to let it down," she then said.

"Oh, yes." I turned around. "Could you please untie it for me?"

"Of course..."

My eyes were on the orc again. He wore a pair of brown leather pants but at the top he was naked. His muscles were huge. He could easily fight a bear and win. My heart started beating faster at the thought that I was to meet one up close. Even share my time with him. Let him touch me. Carry his child...

I thought about Fiona's story and curiously looked at the place between his legs but there was nothing to be seen down there. Or maybe he just stood too far away?

"Uh- Olivia?" I asked as I waited.

"I'm so sorry for this, Gyda..." she replied, pulling at the ribbon in my hair.

"Sorry for what?" I asked.

I felt the familiar weight of my hair pulling at my scalp after she untied the ribbon. Shaking my head a bit, I waited for her answer.

"It's just that...women with the prettiest hair get treated the best, you know?" she whispered.

"Huh? What do—"

I then heard the sound of something cutting. Something slicing through layers.

My head suddenly felt different, the scalp less heavy. It felt airy and light, as if a blanket had been pulled away from my head. And it suddenly hit me what had happened. What she'd done...

Orc Of Mine - Book One - A Fantasy Monster Romance - Free BookWhere stories live. Discover now