Chapter 4: The Monsters True Past

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A/N: So this chapter is a bit shorter because I am still running low on ideas. Now you may be thinking "oh! this is the second chapter posted today, how are they low on ideas?" That may be true but these two chapter were already written and I only had to edit them. I really wanted to at least get something out which is the reason I didn't think too hard about adding anything else.

* * Sasuke's POV * *

Sakura's comment pissed me right off, my awed mood from seeing Naruto's amazing strength just now completely faded. This bitch really thought she could say something like that to a fellow ninja and get away with it.

As soon as Naruto turned around, I turned to Sakura, "Why the fuck would you say that to a fellow ninja, honestly are you that fucking insensitive?!"


"Don't you fucking 'Sasuke-kun' me. I don't care if you don't like him but you do not, I repeat, do. not. call someone a monster, especially over some stupid rumors!"


"HOW STUPID COULD YOU BE?! He's just as old as us and Fourth died when we were all babies, explain that." I couldn't believe people thought a baby had killed the strongest Hokage yet, like honestly, what the actual fuck.

"You guys wanna go to your scout location now?" Naruto asked, I looked around and noticed he was holding a scroll and Orochimaru and Kabuto's bodies were gone. "If you're wondering, I've used my families special sealing technique to seal their bodies away so I could get the bounty reward."

"Pff- Your families sealing technique?!" Sakura blurted. "Don't make me laugh! Everyone knows you're just an orphan!"

Me and Naruto both gave her a death stare at that comment, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Anko-sensei was angry as well.

"There's way more orphans than you may think Sakura. Also those are just rumors." Anko-sensei seethed as Sakura looked at her unamused.

"Exactly, you know nothing about my family. Also, just so you know, Sasuke is also an orphan." Naruto added, how could she say all this without feeling guilty.

"Well at least he grew up with parents, yours were just never around, probably cause you were a monster and they didn't want you!" Sakura spat in response.

"That's not true." Naruto teared up as he seemed to be semi-lost in thought.


"Its not true Sakura." Anko-sensei said as she looked at Naruto sympathetically. It kind of surprised me since she had pulled a kunai on Naruto earlier. What did she know about Naruto's past?

"Really? Why else would he not have parents?"

"How do you know so much about him when we've only met him once?" I asked calmly, why was she being so rude, the only person she was ever rude to was Ino, and it was never this bad.

"We've met him?!" Sakura exclaimed as she looked at Naruto confused, I could tell she saw the tears in his eyes and for a second she was slightly empathetic but then she kept her image and went back to being annoyed and rude.

"Yeah, we have."


"Why is that gross? You met me because I was the best ninja of our year, that's why I'm always away. And I'll have you know that my parents died on my birthday, which is why Third raised me, he didn't do a stunning job but at least I had someone." Naruto's voice cracked near the end.

We all fell silent for a moment as we took in what Naruto said, had he been keeping this in?


As his tears kept falling he stared at the ground and I walked up and hugged him, for some reason it felt like he tensed up at first, as if he wasn't used to hugs. I guess I was right though, I wondered how he had kept this in for so long as I felt him hug me back and nuzzle his face into the crane of my neck. I did the same as I felt the insane amout of tears coming from this beautiful blonde. Sakura was being so rude right now and I squeezed Naruto a bit tighter to comfort him as I heard Sakura storm off and Anko-sensei follow. I debated telling Naruto to let everything out but was kind of scared he would go berserk like he did earlier, I decided to still say it.

"Let it all out." I comforted as I rubbed his back.

Surprisingly, it only took a few seconds before he let go of me, stood up straighter and simply stated, "It's all let out." He took a deep breath before smiling, turning to me and asking, "So where'd the other two go?"

"Not far, Anko-sensei's probably just talking sense into Sakura," I explained, "not that it'll do anything."

"It's good that she tries though!" Naruto exclaimed happily, how had his emotions changed so much so fast?

We walked back into the forest in search of the rest of my team, as we were walking our hands brushed against each others and a shiver went throught my body. I almost pulled my hand away but I wanted it to happen again, so I didn't move.

854 words

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