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soobin let out a soft sigh, his rim glasses sitting lightly on the brim of his nose. a book in his hands, as he delicately read throughout the pages.

"it's nice to see you here." a voice spoke, soobin felt a shift on the couch beside him, looking over to see the familiar blonde haired.

"hi yeonjun" soobin spoke, a smile on his cheeks as the boy came into his vision. "what are you reading?" yeonjun asks, peeking over to look at the book that was in between soobin's hands

"romeo and juliet, a tragic story to be honest." soobin stated, closing the book to give yeonjun attention. "ew, you like that shit?" yeonjun asked, a disgusted look on his face.

"yes, as a matter of fact, i love it." soobin muttered out, a faint frown prominent on his cheeks. "aww soobin, don't frown! i-i'm sorry! i swear, i didn't mean it." yeonjun said, trying his hardest to make soobin feel better.

"is there anything i can do to make it up to you?" yeonjun asked, worry laced over his voice. scared that he actually fucked it up with the boy he had gained feelings for.

an idea popped into soobin's head, "you owe me a date." soobin jutted out, a toothy grin displayed on his cheeks. how could yeonjun say no to that face, "god you're so adorable, you're lucky i like you." yeonjun grinned out, "oh so you like me? i guess i am quite a catch." soobin said, causing yeonjun to blush at the sudden attack.

"n-no. i meant in a friendly way." he fought back, a small giggle escaping his lips. "shall we go?" soobin asked, standing up. straightening up his brown slacks, and adjusting the golden watch on his wrist.

he held out his hand, expecting yeonjun to take it.

he felt yeonjun's small hand intertwine with his bigger ones, a smile on his face. "we shall." yeonjun responded, the two walked out of the small cafe.

"where are we going?" yeonjun asked, following soobin's rather large steps. "i figured we could go back to my house, and the rest is just a surprise."

"i cant go to your house!" yeonjun exclaimed, "why not?" soobin asked curiously. "you could be a murderer?!" yeonjun stated, laughing as soon as he said it.

soobin laughed, "i would never do anything like that" soobin reassured, giving yeonjun a soft smile.

"i know, i trust you." yeonjun said, "we're here anyways. i live like two minutes away-" soobin explained, unlocking the door to his apartment that was located only a few minutes away from the cafe.

"i wasn't expecting it to be this close." yeonjun said in awe, walking into the tidy apartment. wooden floors decorated the ground, the walls were a shade of grey. the trims being a bright white.

it honestly looked amazing, far better than what yeonjun was living in. "yeonjun, love?" soobin called out, snapping yeonjun out of his trance. "o-oh yeah, sorry i was just admiring the apartment."

a low chuckle left soobin's lips, and at that moment yeonjun felt himself melt in place. that laugh. god that laugh, he could listen to it forever.

"you have a beautiful laugh" yeonjun whispered, his eyes gazing at soobin's sharp eyes. "and you're beautiful." soobin whispered back, bringing himself closer to the blonde haired boy.

soobin smirked, bringing his face closer to yeonjun's. their lips barely touching, each other could feel the others breath against their skin.

"s-soobin..." yeonjun whispered, eyes closing. soobin brought his hand up to yeonjun's cheek, caressing it softly.

"is this okay?" soobin asked, voice barely above a whisper as his hands traveled to the back of yeonjun's blonde hair, loosely tugging on it.

yeonjun did a soft nod, "can i kiss you?" soobin asked, eyes gazing at the beautiful blonde. another nod. yeonjun's eyes were still closed, but soobin could feel the tension between the two.

he slowly brought his face closer, connecting their two lips. the two lips molding perfectly with each other, as if they were meant for each other.

yeonjun let his hands travel up to soobin's hair, lightly tugging on it. "s-soobin, w-we shouldn't...do this right now. it's too early." yeonjun said in between kisses,

"that's okay love, i'm not going to force you to do anything that you don't want." soobin said, pulling back from the blonde boy. yeonjun's eyes widened, last time he had said this...it didn't go as planned.

"y-you're not mad?" yeonjun asked, a frown prominent on his chubby cheeks. soobin smiled, taking in yeonjun's hand with his own.

"why would i be mad at you? it's okay love, i'll wait." soobin said, smiling at the blonde boy. he took his hand, and slowly pushed yeonjun's blonde bangs back. getting them out of his eyes.

"shall we watch a movie? or bake cookies?" soobin questioned, making his way to the kitchen. "how about both?" yeonjun said, trailing behind the purple haired male.

"anything for you."

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