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Hello everyone!! I will remind you that this is my first fic so if my writing style is a bit hard to read then let me know!

Whispering: Italics
Thoughts: Bold italics

Energy: Full
Status: Energized
Spoiled Milk: Logging In...

Energy: FullStatus: EnergizedSpoiled Milk: Logging In

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" I'm not getting involved in another one of your petty crushes." Loid sighed irritated that this was the reason Franky called him.
" I have more important things to do than to see you drink yourself into a frenzy because some girl didn't like you back." Loid said turning his back and walking away.
"First of all you know you don't have anything better to do. And second of all this one's different!We've been talking for a while and I think she really likes me!" Franky exasperated trying to get his friend to turn back.
"If she's so different then why do you need my help?" Loid questioned. " Because every time I think a girl likes me I get turned down!!" Franky cried.
"So I need you to go undercover and talk to her for me!" "So basically what you're saying is instead of you confessing you want me to make sure she likes you after giving you obvious signs?"
"You're sad you know that." Loid said walking away.


"Ugh this is so stupid."
" Shhhhh!! She'll hear you!"
"Yeah yeah. What's your plan anyways." Loid questioned. Walking into the bakery she works in.
" Basically all you're going to do is show interest in her to see if she's serious about me!!"
"That's it?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You're sad, y'know that?" Loid sighed as he looked around the small shop.
"Are you sure she works here?" Loid questioned into the earpiece allowing him to communicate with Franky.
"Of course I'm sure! She owns the damn pla- ooou she's coming shut up!!"
"What? Hey-!"
"Hi! I noticed you were having a hard time choosing something. May I give you some suggestions?"
Loid turned to see where the beautiful voice came from. And there was a woman standing in all her glory, standing at about 5'2-(I'm just kidding-) at about 5'6. Wearing a cream colored apron with all sorts of stains, a brown striped top with dark high waisted pants and dark brown strap pumps with tan socks underneath it. (This still the 60's so the outfits will fit the time frame)

Eyes widening in shock he stuttered out a "w-what?!"

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you it's just you seemed a bit lost." The woman said her eyes now looking at the brunette. Her striking eyes clashing with his icy blue ones. ( I hate the word "orbs" with a very strong passion).
"Oh no it's not's just...your beauty took me off guard.." Loid said looking away bashfully, trying to cover his mistake.
The woman was too stunned to speak.
As well as the man listening to their conversation.
"Ah- Um while I am flattered by your compliment, but I must ask if you are going to purchase anything.." The woman said with a smile and a sweat drop.
"*Sigh*, She's so nice."
Franky butted in with his heartfelt comment.
Loid scowled but continued to converse with the woman.
"Of course! But may I at least have a name?"
"Oh-! How rude of me! My name is-"
"Sir, please calm down I'm sure you'll have time to get to your matters!! Or you can always get your pastries elsewhere." The woman spoke calmly with a smile trying to calm down the crowd.
"*Sigh*, She has such a way with words..."
"I'm sorry mister..."
" Ah no mister! Just Charles will do."
"Well Charles-san, it seems we'll have to continue our conversation at a different time. So I'm sorry but I'll have to leave you now." The woman said with a somber smile.
"Of course, sorry to burden you miss..."
The woman just smiled and replied
"Y/n. The name is Y/n"


"Whew! Sorry about our conversation cutting short Charles-san. We seem to be really busy today!" Y/n smiled as Loi- I mean Charles came up to her register.
"Make sure to woo her!"
"I got it now stop talking!-"
"It's quite alright, you're a busy woman so I understand." Charles smiled grazing his hand over hers.
Y/n just smiled and removed her hand.
"Did you find everything okay?" Y/n asked ringing up his order.
"Yes everything went quite smooth after seeing you here." He once again flirted.
"Why thank you but, your total is 15.68." Y/n said now showing her obvious lack of comfort.
"Y'know only a woman of your stature knows how to please a man." Charles smirked, continuing to pursue even after sending her discomfort.
"I-I'm sure-"
"And I know I would love to have a woman like that." Charles said getting closer to the woman's face.
"What the hell are you-!" Franky started.
"CHARLES-SAN! Ehem. Sorry about that but please stop with your advances. I am very flattered to be complimented but PLEASE understand that I am seeing someone I'm very serious about right now!" Y/n exasperated, desperate to get out of the situation.
"I'm sure you can do better than that guy, Y/n."
"That's where I'll have to stop you Charles-san. You don't have the nerve to talk about the man I'm seeing when you can't even get anyone! Now it's either you pay for your pastries or get the heck out of my bakery." Y/n said with a dead cold face.
Charles stood up straight looking her straight in her eyes. Icy blue clashing with striking (e/c).
"Then it'll be just these then Y/n-san. Sorry to disturb you."
"You're alright just please check if a woman is seeing someone before throwing yourself onto her." Y/n smiled putting in his pastries in a bag.
"Enjoy your day Charles-san."
"And you as well." Charles said tipping his hat and headed out the door.
"*Sigh* what was up with that guy?"


Charles- I mean Loid walked out of the bakery with his pastries in hand.
Turning the corner into an alley way he ripped off his mask, it fizzing up in seconds, and faced the man so desperately in need.
"Well?" Questioned Loid, who wanted to go home.
"I-." Started Franky...
"Alright I'm going to confess tomorrow!! Thanks Twilight!" Franky patted Loid on the back running to the bakery to talk more with the owner.
Smiling into the distance Loid walked out the alley to his home. Ready to continue ending this war.


Bonus :
*Bring Bring*
Rang a phone in Franky's apartment.
"Moshi mosh!"
"Hey Franky you'll never believe what happened today at the bakery!" Exclaimed Y/n on the other side of the phone.
She told him everything.


Hey, Spoiled Milk here and I hope you enjoyed today's one shot! And I don't want this book to be one of those silent books. I want you guys to talk about my book and have conversations in the comments...PLEASE!

Energy: Low
Status: Tired
Spoiled Milk: Logging off..

Energy: LowStatus: TiredSpoiled Milk: Logging off

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