Chapter Thirty Eight: Unbearable Pain

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     *TW: slight angst*

     A/N: We like making Pure Vanilla suffer~ and also, you get to listen to the song that I had on repeat while writing this chapter :) You're welcome

     It had been a couple hours since the shadowy figure had visited. Pure Vanilla had no idea what time it was, but he hurt all over, worse now. He kept tossing and turning in a desperate attempt to cool down and fall asleep, but to no avail.

     "Wafer..." Pure Vanilla whispered. "Ugh..."

     Pure Vanilla rolled out of bed and fumbled to his feet. His head pounded and his vision blurred, but he managed to make it to the doorframe of the bathroom before he passed out.


     Pure Vanilla woke up, laying on something soft and cushiony. He couldn't see, as his staff wasn't nearby, but he knew he wasn't on the floor anymore.

     "Hey, you're awake," a soft voice soothed. Wafer's. "Drink this."
A mug was pressed into his hands. Pure Vanilla tipped the contents back and swallowed. It tasted like chamomile, with a bitter hint of medicine mixed into it.

     "Good," Wafer said.

     "What happened?"

     "I was checking on you. Y'know, I almost had a panic attack when I opened your door and found you on the ground." Wafer took the mug back.

     Pure Vanilla struggled to sit up but gave up and sunk back into the pillows. "Oh."

     "Yeah, you're more sick than before. The medicine should help, though..." Wafer trailed off. "Are you okay?"

     Pure Vanilla shifted around the bed, wincing, before throwing the covers off.

      Wafer leaned forward and set a hand to Pure Vanilla's forehead, checking his temperature. "Crap! You're burning up. Hold on..."

     There was the sound of a door opening and slamming shut. Wafer returned a few minutes later, pressing a cool rag to Pure Vanilla's forehead, and tipping some more medicine into his mouth.

      "You're really warm," Wafer noted, his mouth set in a grim line.

      Pure Vanilla felt his eyes pricking with tears. "Not again... Wafer... what's happening to me...?"

      Wafer opened his mouth to speak, but Pure Vanilla got up suddenly and rushed to the bathroom. When he came back, he flopped down on the bed. He felt a bit better, but his body still ached and his forehead was hot.

     "I don't know," Wafer said. "Just... try to get some rest for now. I'll check on you in a bit."

      "Please don't go," Pure Vanilla begged.

     Wafer sighed. "Okay." He squeezed Pure Vanilla's hand. "But you have to promise to sleep."

     Pure Vanilla smiled, satisfied, and snuggled back into the covers.

    "I promise."

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