Chp.3 The Date Pt.1

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As we left off, (YN) finally got to meet his "date", who happens to be really shy and quiet of course, which isn't a lie at all, Sumi, but it's not just an actual date, it's more of a practice date...but to Sumi it felt like a real date, from the looks of it of course of how (YN) has been acting and behaving and the fact he held her hand first than, they went to a little café around the corner and had a seat together...

(YN): So, are you taking any classes?? Are you at school?

Sumi: *nods* ...F-Freshman college..!

(YN): Ah *I take it she's around 19 then, that's one thing I have to know, and good, if not Kazuya would've hooked me up with some underage girl that'll cost me jail life* Anyways, how long have you've been friend with that Chizuru girl? Surely you two must've hand out a lot and stuff.

Sumi was so shy and nervous to even reply to him, all she can do is fiddle her fingers...

(YN): *Jeez, even she won't speak when I start the conversation, still how is she gonna be able to do this rental GF job if she's gonna be this quiet??* Right, okay...let's try smiling.


(YN): Smiling, that's a slow start for a date, try it.

Sumi: Hmm!

Sumi then began to take deep breathes and giving some soft slaps to her cheeks...

(YN) Mind: Is this girl really pumping herself up just for a smile?? It can't be that hard...

Sumi then exhales....and to give off her smile...

(YN): *I take it back* You suck!

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(YN): *I take it back* You suck!

Sumi began to blush hard and feel embarrassed from that smile she gave off and tries cooling herself down...

(YN): I was kidding! Kidding! At least you're trying! Calm down will ya?!

Sumi then looks away and stares up in the air...

(YN) Mind: *A thousand yard stare...she can't even talk or smile...come to think of it.....she really isn't bad when shes this quiet and of matter of fact...she's quite the good looking one so far-*

Suddenly...(YN) stood stiff...and to realize what he was talking about...the mind he was talking about Sumi, of how good she looks...he began shaking his head...

(YN): *Nope! Nope! Nice try! Won't happen! Besides, it's a practice date! So I gotta help her out!* Sumi, let's go to the mall.

Sumi: U-Uh-

(YN): Come.

(YN) stood up and then to again grab Sumi's hand and to take her with him and head over to the mall where they met they he's over there, Sumi began to blush by the fact her hand is being held again by (YN)...she can't tell if he means it or not, but all she can think right that he's different than the other boys....
Later, the two arrive at the mall, in the mall, they arrive at this room where it has an bowling room, and to see some people in here...

Shyness Love (Sumi Sakurasawa x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now