Final Chapter

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Following last chapter contains a Lemon, readers have been advised.

As we left off, (YN) was making his way back to his apartment, Sumi was waiting for him, waiting for him patiently for her to tell (YN) what she wanted to tell him, and it was crucial for her

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As we left off, (YN) was making his way back to his apartment, Sumi was waiting for him, waiting for him patiently for her to tell (YN) what she wanted to tell him, and it was crucial for her. Couple minutes pass by, (YN) began walking upstairs and to then arrive to the floor of his apartment...and as he does, he walks to his apartment and there to see Sumi leaning against his door, waiting for him, and so, Sumi notice him arriving...

Sumi: (YN)..!

(YN): Sumi...hey.

Sumi: *blushing* Hii..

(YN): How..are you??

Sumi: Im...good, and you???

(YN): ..Doing better, heh.

Sumi: Hehe...

(YN): ...Do you...wanna come in??

Sumi kept blushing, and to respond (YN) with a nod, (YN) unlocks his door and to let Sumi in her apartment. Sumi looks round and to realize how nice (YN)'s apartment looks, she then sits at the sofa as (YN) then comes with two bottle of water in his hand and passes one to Sumi...

Sumi: Thank you.

(YN): You're welcome..

Sumi: You...have a nice apartment, really.

(YN): Heh, thanks, it's not much, but it has potential.

Sumi: I see. *sips water*

(YN): So, Sumi...what is it that you want to tell me??

Sumi: O-Oh...Well...

(YN) then sits next to Sumi, which made her blush...but won't stop her from being quiet nor silence for what she's about to tell (YN) she gave her some soft slaps to her cheeks to pump herself up...

(YN) Mind: Hehe, guess it is important of what's she's gonna tell me...

Sumi: Okay...(YN)...when I first met first, I've been thinking that our "date" wouldn't go so well, knowing me being so shy and too quiet all the time...and also thought you wouldn't like me for how I am, being an introvert so much...I've been having regrets when we hung out, and knew you were gonna leave me that day....but you didn't, you came back for me, you didn't leave me and still wanted to hang...and it isn't just the fact you came back for me...but...everything about you from our date was...special to me, your smile, made me smile...your laugh made me laugh, and everything about you made me I'm trying to say is...(YN)...I want with you, and become your actual girlfriend.

Sumi gave a hard blush after saying that to (YN)....and (YN) then to be quiet and yet speechless of what Sumi said...

(YN): W-Wait! Sumi, y-you're really losing me on this one, what about your rental girlfriend job??! I don't want you to-

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