Chp.4 The Date Pt.2

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As we left off, (YN) helped Sumi and protected her off from some bullies that were teasing her and making her feel right now, (YN) and Sumi head over to an elevator to go to another floor where no problems is to be caused...suddenly, Sumi looks at (YN), as she thought that he had ditched her, but didn't, he actually came back for she says with a soft emotional tone...

Sumi: I-I'm sorry...

(YN): Huh?

Sumi: had to go through that...trouble...

(YN): ...Don't worry, it's nothing, they had it coming either way, besides, had to do something to teach them a lesson.

Sumi: ...I left me for good..

(YN): What???

Sumi: I- weren't gonna come back when you left me alone...cause...I was...making you feel bored...

(YN): What?? No, that's not it...don't think it like that...

Sumi: But...aren't I...boring cause of me being quiet and too shy???

(YN) takes a look at her...and honestly ever since he's met her...his day with her wasn't that bad so of matter of fact...he did felt bad for Sumi for what she is saying...and the fact all Sumi wanted was actually a normal date, and a date that she can spend with to improve herself on her job...

(YN): may be shy and quiet...but I get it, it's nervous to go on a date sometime, I get you, but, if you really wanna get the guys that aren't just jackasses to like you, you have to interact with them, show them interest to you and make them feel your having a blast.

Sumi blush and yet to feel confident for what (YN) tells her...she then thought about...and to think...maybe she can do those (YN)...he's the only boy she has ever dated this long with and so's, she then suddenly holds (YN)'s arm...

(YN): H-Hey, what are you-

(YN) can feel Sumi not wanting to let go of him...and then she looks at him and to suddenly give him a soft blush smile...and then to say...

Sumi: ...I hope...we can get along well together.

For some unknown reason, (YN) began to fell this utter feeling he's getting that he's never felt in a's like if hanging out with Sumi...might not be such as bad after all...she seems a nice girl after all, and yet, she can be the right one for him...but before he even does...he has to see how it goes throughout his whole date, he then holds on Sumi's hand, and Sumi blushes to see and feel her hand being grabbed again, but this time felt...different, he slowly looks at (YN), and notices a soft small smile he gave out! And then saying...

(YN): Let's enjoy our hang out together.

Sumi has never seen him smile, not even since when she met him a while ago, and she saw him give that soft smile...she blush of how cute it looks on him...and she too softly smiles at him and replies to him...

Sumi: Sure..!

And so, Sumi and (YN) softly gave each other a small smile, holding hands somehow, and the two set to go off and continue with their "date" together...the two began playing some couple of games at the mall, arcades, carnival ones of course to win some prizes, and afterwards they went to go eat some food together and getting some ice cream as well, smiling and laughing together, Sumi has never felt so much enjoyment like this before, and it felt really great for her...and it's all cause of (YN)...the fact she's hanging out with him as her "tutorial date" for her rental job...she's having the best time of her life with other boy like him has made her feel that way...and as it goes for (YN), he too was having fun and enjoying having some time with Sumi, and it's like he has almost forgotten about helping Sumi out on her job as a rental girlfriend, and just seems like he's been taking this "fake date" into an actual hang out date...and so far...he's never felt this much happy to hang out with a girl like Sumi...


Later on afterwards, sun was inches away to set down and turn night any minute, (YN) and Sumi have already enjoyed their time together on their hang out, so they went to where they met up for Sumi to leave home...

Sumi: Thank you for walking me here (YN).

(YN): No worries, just wanted to company you for a bit, that's all.

Sumi: Mmm....y-you know, (YN).

(YN): Whats up??

Sumi: ...*blushing* I had...a lot of fun today...with you of course.

(YN): *softly smiles* I had a fun with you too Sumi, and you know what's funny? Thought the whole day haven't even been shy nor stood quiet the entire actually manage to interact with me and enjoy the moment.

Sumi: Y-Yeah?? I mean, Yeah! I-I did..!

(YN): Hehe.

Sumi: H-Hehe..

(YN): But, in all seriousness...I really enjoy hanging out with you Sumi, really. I've never felt like this in a while...and it's really good to feel it.

Sumi: I did too, (YN)...

The two stare at each other's eyes, and to softly blush at each other with a smile...

Sumi: W-Well...I should be going...don't wanna miss the train..

(YN): R-Right sure.

Then, (YN) notiecs Sumi slowly raising her arms up...and yet to try approach to him, but is too shy to do so, and he know she she wants...

(YN): Hehe, I take it you want a hug??

Sumi: *nods*

(YN): Heh, okay then.

(YN) walks up to Sumi, and to wrap his arms around her and hugging her, Sumi too wrap her arms around him and hugging they did, Sumi felt...comfortable with their hug...(YN) as well...

Sumi Mind: He feels...really comfortable.

(YN) Mind: Her hair...smells like strawberries...pretty good.

Then, they slowly back away from their hug and again looking at each other with a blushy smile and then Sumi waving...

Sumi: See you, (YN).

(YN): Later Sumi.

(YN) then walks away and heads home, and Sumi to head over to wait for her train to head home as they walk their paths...the two kept smiling, and to forever remember till this day of their hang out, how fun and enjoyable they had together...and yet deep down...they really hope deep down...they get to bump each other someday....but how could they? If Sumi is a rental girlfriend and was a practice for (YN) to date....(YN) wishes she never took that job offer....
Later on, it was night, at Sumi's place, she was in her room, looking at her phone, as she then saw the review (YN) posted on her bio for being his rental girlfriend, he gave her a 5 star review, and posted positive comments about her, and made her feel happy about it...then, she got a message from him too, knowing they both gave each other phone number during their hang out...

"Hope you got home safe :)"
Sumi thought to herself...the fact that most of the clients she's dated were nothing like (YN), so fun, sweetie, kind and enjoyable to be with, only he was the one she got along pretty well....
So she did the unthinkable.....she deleted her whole profile bio on her rental girlfriend website, and decided to not work as one anymore....and her attention and only one thing she has in her to really be with (YN) more than forever.

Sumi: ...I need to talk with Chizuru this week.


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