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A week pass by, Sumi and (YN) have been texting a lot lately, so far things in the chat was going good between them, no awkwardness chats, no boring ones as well, just chats that were too wholesome, fun and enjoyable...and to top it off that, Sumi is no longer working as a rental girlfriend, she is now focus on to have one singles good and healthy relationship with (YN)...only thing is she planning to do so??? Which gave her an idea, she calls Chizuru and asks her he calls her up and meets her up at the café where they always like to meet up...
So they meet up...

Chizuru: So Sumi, it's been a while since we texted, so how did it went with (YN)??

Sumi: ...It went good, I...really enjoy every moment of him.

Chizuru: Oh, that's good to hear!

Sumi: Yes...he's really sweet, kind, nice, and really fun to talk and be with.

Chizuru: *Huh, seems like he was the good practice date for her after all* Well that's good to hear Sumi, glad things went really well with him.

Sumi: Mhm, Mhm. And I wanna see him more and much more, as many times I want to..!

Chizuru: Huh??! Woah Woah Sumi, look, I know it's hard for me to say this, but I don't think you'll be able to link up with him again, that's was a practice for you to work well with him and to do the same with the other clients, I don't think (YN) will-

Sumi: Thats ... the other thing I wanna say about me being as a rental girlfriend...

Chizuru: Hmm??

Sumi: ...I don't wanna be one.

Chizuru: What??? Sumi-

Sumi: A-And I know I-started barley...but...when I first hanged out with him...I know he was suppose to be my tutorial client and for me to get him to notice me and get along...but...something about him...was different...

Chizuru: ...

Sumi: ...He really was into me...he made me smile, chuckle, and most importantly...he made me feel comfortable around him...and it made me feel...really happy and enjoying every moment with him on that day...and this past week...we've been texting a lot, and calling was really fun too...but...I...I wanna more of that...I want...I want to be with him more...! ...I want to be with him so he can still make me feel happy!

Chizuru at first was speechless to hear this side of Sumi, and the fact she wanted to spend more time with (YN), whatever he did...he sure has made her feel really comfortable and wanting to be with him...Sumi then said...

Sumi: And again...I'm sorry for quitting on being a rental girlfriend, and I just barley started...but...I didn't knew I would met a boy like (YN)...he's..just so please...I don't want you to understand....I just want you to listen....

And somehow...Chizuru wasn't bothered at all about it...the only thing she cares is that Sumi has found the right one for her all this she smiled, and to reply to Sumi...

Chizuru: It's okay Sumi...I understand you...

Sumi: ..Really..???

Shyness Love (Sumi Sakurasawa x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now