The Scientist: Chapter 1

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*??? P.O.V*

March 9th, 1987

It was a very rainy day today. And it was cold. Really cold, which was weird for California. As I put on my white lab coat and ruffled my brown hair. I took a deep breath, then grabbed my ID badge, clipped it on to my lab coat, grabbed the brown briefcase that had been sitting on on my dark brown desk, which was piled with papers and random doodles of scientific experiments that I have been trying to make possible.

After grabbing everything I needed, I quickly made my way out of my office and practically sprinted down the hallway, down to the main room where experiments are done. I had something new to test out. I came up with Life's Blood, a serum that can allow you to take over someone's mind completely, even if you're dead, but this, this was something else. 

This would change the world. And even more strongly than the other serums. 

Except there was a difference between those serums and this one. First off, this one was a dark green color. The Life's Blood was red, the antidote to Life's Blood was a light blue, and the yellow was the counter agent.

As I got to the main room, I saw my technical assistant, Deborah there, working with a patient. She was being gentle with her. I quietly scoffed, then made my way over to where I was supposed to work. 

I set the dark brown briefcase down on a small table, then I unlatched it, then opened it, the other side slamming down on the table. I heard a small yelp from both Deborah and the patient she was working with.

I chuckled softly, shaking my head, then I went back to what was inside the briefcase. The green serum. I didn't have a name for it yet, but I knew what it would do. My theory was that it could possibly create an alternate dimension. A world underneath our world. Well, not exactly. It would create a portal though. 

I quickly grabbed three of the four green vials and then hurriedly got down on my knees. Even though it could possibly ruin the floor, for this experiment to work, I needed the serum to soak through the floor. It needed to go as close to the ground as possible. Because if you didn't, you wouldn't fall through. You would just fall. Endlessly. Forever. Until you went insane or until you died of starvation or thirst. Not a good way to die. 

And so I unscrewed the black lid slowly off the container and I poured some serum onto the hard tiled floor. It sizzled loudly, and then the ground, it warped. Like the world was phasing. I gasped in excitement, hardly able to contain myself. It worked! 

Even the tiniest successes deserve a celebration. 

"Yes!" I softly whispered to myself, not wanting to distract Deborah. 

But it still wasn't enough. I needed a lot more if I was going to open up a new world under ours. I spilled some more out, emptying the bottle completely, and suddenly a loud crash and I was suddenly jolted from off my knees and thrown against a brick wall, all the way across the room. 

The breath knocked out of me, I looked around and saw that both Deborah and the patient were unconscious. For a split second I started to worry about them, but I forced that thought out of my mind, and then looked to where I had spilled the green serum. 

I slowly got up, still out of breath and stared at it in amazement.

There was a hole where I had spilled the serum. And unlike Life's Blood, it wasn't because it had burned through the floor. 

This hole was different. This hole went to a dimly lit room, with concrete walls and a concrete floor. It looked like a parking garage, except there were no cars in it that I could see. No cars, and no people. I had finally done it. I had made a portal to another dimension.

Well, that's what I think I did. 

Coughing slightly, I walked closer to it, because although my mind was terrified of what I'd done, I was curious. I always had been that way. My curiousity always overwhelmed my fear. No matter what, my curiousity was forever slightly above my fear.

That's how I created all the things i have. That's why I've always been successful in life. Because I'm willing to go beyond what normal people would do. I've gone insane, my employees say. You can't do this, they say. This isn't humane, everyone says. 

But how do you know it's not humane? How do you know a person is insane? You can't. And I'm not insane. I created something wonderful. A portal to another universe. Another dimension. Whatever this was, I made. Me. Not anyone else. I did this. Nobody else had even come close to figuring out alternate dimensions. But me? I did something. 

I heard groaning to my left and quickly looked towards where I knew Deborah and the patient were. They were waking up. I panicked, not knowing what to do. I didn't trust Deborah, even though she's been my technical assistant for years. I didn't trust her because she didn't think what we were doing was humane. Well then, she wouldn't know what I'd done. 

I would jump into the hole before she woke up, and both she and the patient either would think it was a dream, or they would try to find out what it was that I had done. But I had the serums. Before it was too late, I hurriedly jumped in without a second thought, and my mind went black. I couldn't see anything. I looked above me and I realized with regret that the portal had closed. 

My heart sunk as I realized two things. One, I had only three out of the four green serums. And two, the concrete room I had seen in the portal wasn't where the portal took me.

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