Chapter Three: Happy Birthaversary- Part Two

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As we are walking down the street we start talking about random topics, a couple of minutes ago we were taking about clouds and the different shapes but now we are talking about ice cream flavours.

"I am telling you that mint chocolate chip is the best ice cream flavour of all time!" I tell him.

"I would have to strongly disagree with you on that, because chocolate just so happens to be the best ice cream flavour ever!" He retaliates.

"Well let's just agree to disagree, alright?" I ask holding out my hand for him to shake.

"Alright let's agree to strongly disagree." He says shaking my hand.

We continue walking but we can not have a conversation because we are to busy trying to dodge all of the screaming girls that just started swarming our path. Chad grabs my hand and pulls me into the Mariott hotel lobby and all of the girls are being pushed away from the glass windows by these big bulk guys.

"Why the hell are all of these girls going so crazy?" Chad asks a little out of breath from shoving his way through them.

"Hell if I know!" I say throwing both of my hands in the air while walking backwards.

As I was walking backwards my leg gets caught on some thing and I end up falling.

"Ow!" I say landing straight on my butt.

I look up to see this boy standing above me "oh shįt! I'm sorry." He says holding his hand down to me. So I take it and thank him for helping me up.

"I'm Bishop by the way" he says smiling at me well still holding my hand.

"Well nice to meet you Bishop, I'm Samantha." I say and start shaking his hand.

I look beside me and Chad is still standing there being all awkward.

"This is my friend Chad by the way!" I say trying to include him.

Bishop lets go of my hand and shakes Chad's "nice to meet you both." He says still smiling.

"Do you by any chance know why all of these girls are almost breaking those glass windows over there?" Chad asks Bishop pointing to the sea of screamingly girls.

"Uh, funny story actually" Bishop nervously chuckles "they are actually screaming because of me."

"Oh, wow. And what do you do that makes you so famous?" I ask him.

He scratches the back of his neck " I am a recording artist or in other words a singer, and I also make YouTube videos when I can." He tells us.

"Oh cool!" I say.

"Yeah that is pretty cool!" Chad agrees.

"Wait. You guys actually do not know who I am?" Bishop asks.

I shake my head 'no' and Chad chuckles and says "If we told you we did then we would be liars."

Bishop let's out a breath that he had seemed to be holding in the whole time. "Well that is a first." He says.

"Why? Are you like some worldwide famous celebrity?" I joke.

"I am actually." Bishop laughs.

"Well now you made us feel bad because we have know idea who you are. Well besides that your name is Bishop." Chad says.

"No worries, it's kind of refreshing when no one knows who you are." Bishop says nudging Chads shoulder.

"So where are you originally from?" I ask Bishop.

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