Chapter 1

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Rosalie Almeida has been going to cousins every summer for as long as she can remember. Her mother Roxanne, is best friends with Laurel and Susannah, which obviously resulted in Rosalie, being practically family with their kids.

Rosalie and Roxanne decided to travel to cousins with Belly and Laurel this summer.

Belly and Rosalie were basically sisters, they talked about everything, they never kept secrets and they shared the same passion for going to cosuins each summer.

Currently Belly, Taylor and Rosalie were currently in Belly's room helping her finish packing.

"I feel like this summer is gonna be different." Rosalie sparks up the conversation, her Brazilian accent sounding like music to Taylor and Belly's ears.

"Oh it definitely is, you two have gotten hot." Taylor smirked. Belly opened her mouth to reply but got cut off.

"GIRLS!" Roxanne shouts, barging into Belly's room. "We're about to leave, are you all packed Belly?" Roxanne said with a small smile.

Roxanne has always seen Belly as her own child, Rosalie and Belly were always together, Roxanne couldn't think of a time they weren't.

"Yep, I'm all packed. We'll see you Taylor." Belly said hugging her friend.

"Bye Tay, don't die without us." Rosalie laughed while squeezing her into a tight hug.

As they all got in the car, Rosalie sighed at the seating arrangements.

"Are you serious?" Rosalie frowned.

"As serious as i can be." Steven replied with a grin.

"I have to sit between the two MOMS?" Rosalie asked hoping he was messing with her.

Steven just laughed.

On there way, driving to cousins was always Rosalie's favorite thing, the scenery and feeling as if she's returning home again. She knew cousins was her home, the people there made it home.

She was excited to see Jeremiah, Susannah and especially Conrad. Her and Conrad developed a special bond that people wouldn't quite understand. They were always close together, inseparable as most would say.

She loved him, he loved her. But they wouldn't admit that. Conrad genuinely thought she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.

He loved everything about her, her long brownish, black hair, her piercing bright blue eyes, her accent and he loved her smile, he loved how it could light up the room.

Steven suddenly stopped by a gas station.

"Okay you guys want anything?" Roxanne asked as Belly and Laurel got out of the car.

"Just a coke please mama." Rosalie said.

"You want anything Steven?" Roxanne asked.

"No thanks Roxanne." Steven smiled.

As they walked into the gas station, Steven turned to Rosalie with an evil grin.

"You excited to see your boyfriend, Conrad?" Steven asked grinning.

"Oh shut up Steven, you must be excited to see your girlfriend tho, right Steven?" Rosalie shot back.

Steven's grin got wiped off.

"Whatever." Steven huffed, turning back around. Everyone walks out of the store and gets back into the car.

"You won't believe what just happened." Belly turned to Rosalie. But then realizes everyone could hear her. "I'll tell you when we get there." Belly laughed.

As they drove and pulled up in the driveway, Rosalie felt the feeling of excitement boil up. She bolted out of the car once the mom's got out.

"Oh look who it is." A familiar voice called out.

"JERE." She ran up and gave him a hug while he spined her around.

"Look who grew up huh." Jeremiah says while hugging her.

"Have you been working out? I don't remember you having these muscles." Rosalie joked.

"Ah yes, gotta thank puberty for the most part. What about you! All grown up but still got the accent?" Jeremiah joked back.

"Haha your so funny." Rosalie said with a blank expression.

"Hey Rosie." She heard a voice behind her.

She turned around to see the beautiful brunette boy that she missed so much.

She ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. While he wrapped his arms around her.

"I missed you so much." He mumbled into her hair.

"I missed you more Connie." She said looking back up at him.

Their moment was ruined by Steven.

"You guys know what time it is?" Jeremiah asked knowing whats gonna happen.

"I think its time for a-" Steven started.

"BELLY FLOP!" We all shouted in unison.

Belly tried running away but Steven grabbed her arms and Jeremiah grabbed her legs.

Rosalie knew what was gonna happen next.

"You kids have fun now, I'm gonna go unpack-" She was cut off but Conrad throwing her over his shoulder.

"CONRAD FISHER IF YOU DON'T PUT ME DOWN I SWEAR-" Rosalie said while kicking trying to get down.

They all reached the pool and counted.



"THREE!" All of them shouted in unison as they threw Belly and Rosalie into the pool.

"You bitches!" Rosalie screamed at them.

"I hurt my ankle, can you help me up Connie, please?" Rosalie said while giving Conrad puppy dog eyes.

As Conrad put his hand out to help her she pulled him down into the pool.

"ROSIE!" Conrad said splashing her. And Belly wheezing at the scene.

Rosalie missed this feeling.

A/N: so English is not my first language so im sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar errors! And this is my first ever book so i hope you guys enjoy. Hopefully next chapter will be longer!

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