Chapter 10

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As the couple dried off and got out of the pool, Conrad had an idea to watch a few movies in the living room.

So Rosalie was in the kitchen getting snacks and drinks while Conrad was getting a few blankets and a movie to watch.

As she walked back into the living room with snacks in her hands she noticed Conrad sitting on the couch shirtless. She shook it off and put the snacks down next to them.

Conrad ended up picking some random romantic movie. As they were watching Conrad put his arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head. As they kept watching Rosalie had something on her mind.

"I love you." Rosalie blurted out while turning her head up to look at him.

He smiled warmly and pulled her closer.

"I love you more." He whispered in her ear.

This was a feeling Rosalie loved. With Conrad she felt safe, she felt protected and she was happy knowing that he is now hers. She wished her and Conrad could just stay like this forever.

Conrad pulled her on his lap and she was now facing him.

She lent down and kissed him passionately as her hands got tangled in his hair. His hands resting on her waist. They felt like they couldn't get enough of each other.

He pushed her down so she was laying on the couch while he was hovering over her. He bent down and kissed her with more desire.

Her hands feeling over his bare chest. When suddenly he stopped what he was doing. Still hovering over me, out of breath.

"Maybe we should go to my room." Conrad suggested in fear someone would walk in and see them full on making out in the middle of the living room.

"Good idea." She laughed. He picked her up and carried her bridal style. As he walked up to his room with her in his arms. He gently put her on his bed and closed the door as well as locking it.

He went on the bed hovering over Rosalie. Bending down and kissing her from where they left off.

He starts placing kisses on her jaw, and moves down and kisses her neck definitely leaving marks as he goes along.

He finds her sweet spot and hears a whimper leave her mouth. He smirks up at her.

But she flipped them around so she was on straddling him on his lap while he was now laying on the bed.

She kissed and left marks all the way from his jaw to his chest. But no before leaning close to his ear.

"I win." She whispered promiscuously. And got up from the bed. Walking over and sitting by his desk chair smirking at him.

Conrad was stunned to say the least. He just stared at the celling thinking of what just happened. She got up from the desk chair bent down and gave him a peck on the lips and leaving his room, shutting the door behind her.


The next day rolled around and Rosalie rushed into Belly's room to tell her the new details. Belly was so happy for her best friend finally finding someone who genuinely cares for her.

But after telling Belly my news, she told Rosalie what happened at the party. And apparently Belly walked in on Steven and Taylor making out.

"But doesn't Steven already have a girlfriend?" Rosalie asked in confusion.

"EXACTLY." Belly said. After Belly and Rosalie talking about their news. Rosalie decided to go wake Conrad up.

As she opened his door quietly she walked towards where Conrad was sleeping. As she observed his sleeping figure, she saw all the marks on his neck.

She stifled a laugh. Not knowing how he's gonna cover them up.

"Con." Rosalie said gently shaking him awake. He just turned around so his back was facing her.

"Conrad." She said playing with his hair from the side. She saw him lightly smile with his eyes closed.

As she was about to walk out of his room he pulled her down next to him on the bed. Both of them sitting up. He ran his fingers along the marks on her neck snd smirked.

"I have to go put concealer on these before I go downstairs." Rosalie stated while observing them in the mirror.

"Well what am I gonna do about mine?" Conrad asks.

Rosalie shrugged.

"Wear a turtle neck." Rosalie suggested.

"Its like 100 degrees outside." Conrad stated.

Rosalie smirked and walked out of his room trying to cover all the marks on her neck. Conrad came walking into her room with a shit that covers most of them.

"That's the best its gonna get." Conrad sighed. Rosalie just laughed.

As they both walked downstairs, everyone looked at them suspiciously.

"Morning." Conrad snd Rosalie said in unison. Everyone mumbled a quiet "morning" back.

"Are you guys okay?" Rosalie asked timidly.

Roxanne was the one who cracked.

"Are you and Conrad together?" Roxanne asked trying to hide her smile.

Conrad and Rosalie both look at each other and smile.

"Yeah." Rosalie smiles. Everyone cheered.

Rosalie wondered why everyone was so obsessed with her and Conrad being together.

But everyone in the family knew this would happen one day. Everyone knew Conrad and Rosalie were soulmates.

"Rosw by the way, your father is coming down for the 4th." Roxanne smiled with pity in her eyes.

Rosalie just nodded, she knew there was nothing she could do. She didn't like her dad. I mean after her parents divorce he did ignore her for like 3 years.

She'll never forget the pain he put her and her mother through.

Conrad hugs Rosalie reassuringly knowing how much she dislikes her dad.


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