Chapter 9

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Currently everyone was down stairs for Belly's birthday dinner. Everyone was laughing and enjoy themselves.

Rosalie loved watching the people she cared about most being so happy. She smiled quietly to herself.

Conrad was sitting next to her and held her hand under the table. It's also the little things that Conrad would do that always made her blush. She was snapped out of her thoughts by Jeremiah.

"So Cam, mind if I call you Cam-Cameron?" Jeremiah asks smirking.

"Yeah man feel free, thats fine." Cameron chuckled nervously. Rosalie could tell that Cam was still a little bit uncomfortable.

"Cool." Jeremiah says.

"I'm glad you're here Cameron. I know your mom Denise, from a club. I have heard a lot about you." Susannah states smiling.

"Thank you so much for having me Susannah. My mom says hi." Cameron smiles. Laurel walks out the kitchen with a dish in her hand.

"Have you ever had this before? It's a Korean birthday tradition." Laurel says while passing Cam the dish.

"Belly told me you're vegetarian so I didn't put any meat in it." Laurel continued.

"Oh thank you Laurel. That was nice." Cam said. While Rosalie was listening to the conversation around her, she felt Conrad looking at her smiling. She looked at Conrad with a warm smile.

"Why don't you eat meat Cam-Cameron?" Jeremiah asks. Rosalie knew he was about to start something and mentally rolled her eyes.

"Uh the mean industry is like the number one contributor to global warming." Cam stated nodding.

"Hmm." Jeremiah nodded.

"And I just- I like animals." Cameron chuckled.

"Just don't come for my leather jacket." Taylor laughed. Rosalie chuckled.

"I'm pretty sure you mean pleather." Steven said sarcastically. As Taylor flipped him off from across the table.

"You know, actually. Belly eats meat, so you let her kiss you with those lips?" Jeremiah asked. Rosalie stomped on his foot from under the table.

"OW." Jeremiah says glaring at Rosalie as she smiled sarcastically at him.

"Guys stop." Belly says looking fed up.

"Though I don't judge people for eating meat, it's just a personal choice. I don't care." Cameron states.

"So you don't mind if uh, like her lips touch a dead animal and those dead animal lips touch your lips right?" Jeremiah laughs.

Belly kicks his leg under the table whole Rosalie slapped the back of his head.

"ow." he said and glared at them.

"I don't mind at all." Cameron starts.

"Um in fact." Cameron says while leaning over and giving belly a small peck.

Rosalie and Taylor share a smirk while looking at Belly. While Steven and Jeremiah fake throw up. Rosalie rolled her eyes at their stupidity.

Rosalie was just sitting and lost in her thoughts when she felt Conrad put his arm over her shoulders and kissed the side of her head. She smiled slightly.

Taylor watching the scene looked at Rosalie and smirked while raising her eyebrows.

"You will tell me everything." Taylor mouths from across the table. Rosalie just nods her head while chucking.

"Al right, All right! Belly's allowed to kiss-" Laurel starts.

"But that's it." She joked and pointed her finger at Cameron. The silence was terrible.

"Mom please no, you're not funny. No for wine for you okay." Belly said avoiding eye contact.

"I'm sorry, I just don't understand why anybody would want to kiss somebody who once, fully shat in the bathtub!" Steven expressed.

"I was like two years old." Belly stated while pointing at Steven.

"Two? More like six." Steven and Jeremiah laugh out.

"Shut up Steven!" Belly shouts.

"Steven-" Laurel protests.

"Oh I remember that. God that feels like a lifetime ago." Susannah smiles at the memories.

"I remember last summer when you and you." Rosalie started pointing at Jeremiah and Conrad.

"Dared Steven to pee in the fireplace and you stunk up the entire house for days. Do you remember that?" Rosalie sarcastically smiles at Steven.

Conrad smirks at her, while everyone was laughing at the memory of Steven.

"I blamed the neighbors cat." Susannah stated. And everyone just laughed harder.


Everyone was heading out to Nicole's party. Except Conrad and Rosalie. They were going but they stated that they'll meet them there.

As Rosalie was looking through her closet for something to wear, Conrad came into the room and jumped onto her bed. She playfully rolled her eyes.

"Help me pick out what to wear." Rosalie asked. As she pulled out a red skintight dress and a purple lacey dress. Showing it to him.

"Choose." She said pulling out the outfits and showing Conrad.

"Okay you'll looking stunning in both of those but, do we have to go to the party?" Conrad asked.

Rosalie stared at him blankly.

"Please. We can have our own fun here." Conrad said smirking.

"And besides, some shit always ends up happening at Nicole's parties and I'm not in the mood for drama right now." Conrad sighed.

Rosalie thought about it. She wasn't really in the mood to go either.

"Fine." Rosalie sighed out. He smiled at her and walked up to her. Bending down and kissing her softly.

"Let's go down for a swim." He smiles. She nods agreeing. As Conrad leaves to get changed, she already had her bikini on and towel in her hand walking to Conrad's room. She put her hand up and knocked on the door.

"Come in Rosie." He says.

As he was digging through his stuff to find a towel, she ran her hand over the walls and his desk. He smirked at her.

As she opened one of the desk draws she saw a few pens, papers and- condoms?

She looked up at him with a disgusted look. He just chuckled at her face.

"C'mon lets go swim." She said choosing to ignore what she just saw.


As they were swimming, Rosalie was looking at the moon and thinking about how perfect the temperature feels.

Conrad swims up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist. Lighting leaving kisses down her neck.

"Conrad?" She quietly asks.

"Mhm?" He mumbles into her neck.

"What are we?" She has been wanting to know. She wants to have a public relationship with him. And wants everyone to know that he was hers.

He turned her around to face him.

"You're mine, Rosalie." Conrad started.

"And I'm yours." Conrad held eye contact.

"I'm all yours." Conrad says while holding her waist and bending down to kiss her.

A/n: Im thinking of recommending songs in the beginning of every chapter that kind of go with the plot of whats happening. or the song the aesthetic of the chapter matches. ANYWAY HOPE Y'ALL ARE ENJOYING THIS BOOK SO FAR. I've gotten a lot of reads in the last two days and i just wanna say thank all of you. <333

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