Chapter 5

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Rosalie's pov

The mothers choose to ignore the encounter with their children carried on with what they were doing prior.

"Hey, I need to get dressed so I'm gonna go back upstairs." Belly smiled and walked up the stairs.

Rosalie shrugged while walking into the kitchen.

"But my hangover smoothie, it cures all." Jeremiah says while making a smoothie for Conrad.

"It does. Trust me." I say walking into the kitchen getting some water to drink.

"Can you please just hurry up." Conrad groans from the couch. I chuckle at this.

"Just go back to bed alright." Jeremiah rolls his eyes jokingly.

As I'm sitting by the island next to Laurel, I notice Steven who keeps leaning over Jeremiah's shoulder.

"Alright, seriously Steven. Get out. This is a delicate science and your heavy breathing is gonna-" Jeremiah gets cut off.

"OKAY, okay, okay." Steven walks away from a laughing Jeremiah.

"She hasn't painted you since you were little.  I think it'd be nice to have these portraits for when your older." Laurel says. I look at her smiling.

She was right. It's always nice to cherish hand made gifts.

"Oh nah, when I'm older I'm sure there'll be like holograms or something I could watch by myself, you know?" Steven says.

As Steven finished his sentence, Jeremiah put the blender on making Conrad jolt up.

That shit was fucking funny.

"Just sit for your portraits. I don't see Conrad complaining." Laurel says oblivious to the fact that Conrad can't even sit up straight.

"He'll complain when he's conscious." Jeremiah says while walking over to Conrad on the couch, and his smoothie in his hand.

"Hey, here." Jeremiah lightly slaps Conrad on his arm and giving him the smoothie.

"Thank you." Conrad barely manages to get out.

"C'mon man, hurry your ass up alright. I can't be late for my first day at work." Steven shouts to Jeremiah.

"We won't. We're good." Jeremiah slaps Steven's hand as he's walking back to the kitchen.

And in return. Steven slaps Jeremiah's ass. Which I snorted at.

"Oh those little county club boomers are gonna tip me so hard man, they won't know what hit em." Steven exaggerates while making some random motion.

I make a disgusted face towards Steven. Conrad notices this and let's out a small chuckle.

"Steven I swear-" Laurel says looking disgusted.

I make my way out the kitchen and towards the living room where Conrad was sitting on the Sofa.

"Hey." Rosalie said while falling down of the seat next to him. He smiles at her.

"I don't even know what I'm gonna do today." Conrad turns to me.

"Neither do I Connie." Rosalie turns to him.

"We could go down to the beach later?" She suggests.

"Yeah, sounds like fun." Conrad smiles.

She get up and walk into the kitchen getting an iced coffee from the fridge.

"Still on all that caffeine I see." Jeremiah laughs.

"Haha." Rosalie says while pointing the middle finger at him while sitting down at the island.

"Rose." Roxanne says sternly.

"Sorry." Rosalie mumbled.

"Oh my god." Susannah says while walking into the kitchen.

"Belly and Rosalie are gonna be debutantes." She breathed out.

"What?" Rosalie says honestly confused. She didn't plan on going.

As if on cue Belly walks down the stairs and hears. And sits next to Rosalie while Jeremiah passes her cereal.

"It's really not that big of a deal." Belly says slightly blushing.

"I'm sorry like Belly? Like my sister? Like that thing right there?" Steven points at his sister.

"Shut up." Belly shot back.

"Okay this is gonna be so much fun-" Susannah starts but I turn to Belly.

"What did you do?" Rosalie asks sternly.

"Okay so I knew you weren't gonna go and I didn't wanna go alone so I thought we could go together and please don't be mad at me-" Belly rambles on.

"Belly, relax. I'm not mad at you. I'm actually excited now." Rosalie smiles.

"Oh thank god." Belly sighed out of relief.

"We need to go shopping." Roxanne excitedly says.

"Yes! We do." Susannah agrees.

"This sounds.... expensive." Laurel protests.

"Oh don't worry Laurel. It's on us," she says looking at my mom.

"It was our idea after all and we still need to style you for your book party so-" Susannah starts.

"Rosalie are you sure you wanna do this tho? It doesn't seem very you." Roxanne asked her daughter sincerely.

"It's not." Conrad says from the sofa.

"Conrad could you please be a little more supportive?" Susannah asked her son.  He stayed silent.

Rosalie walked over to Conrad by the sofa and sat next to him.

"Conrad. I want to do this. And I want you to support me through it, you're my best friend I need your support the most okay?" Rosalie said to him.

Conrad sighed and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled into her neck. She pulled back and kissed his cheek.

"It's alright." She smiles warmly up at him.

The thing about Conrad and Rosalie is that they both shared one specific thing in common.

Touch was their love language.

They were both in love with each other, not admitting it. But that's why you'll always see them holding hands, giving pecks on the forehead or the cheek, hugging and always touching in some way. Which is why most people thought they were dating.

Each other's touch made them comforted. They were perfect puzzle pieces that go together.

"Before you go shopping, do you wanna head down the the beach with me?" Conrad asks slightly tilting his head.

"Definitely." She smiled up at him.


They walk down the beach. Arms touching as they walk. They both sit there and just stare at the ocean.

"Rosie?" Conrad asks.

Rosalie turns her head to look at him. Smiling warmly.

"Can I be your escort to the Ball?" Conrad asks staring into her eyes.

"I would love that." She says while giving him a bone crushing hug.

He smiles. Looking down at the person he loved more than anything. He held her tight, scared of ever loosing her.

"I guess we should get back," Conrad starts.

"I wouldn't want all three moms killing me for making you late." He says looking down at her smiling face.

"You're right." As they walk back, Conrad grabs her hand and places it in his. She lightly smiles.

A/n: y'all I'm so sorry. I keep getting mixed up with third person and first person here🤦 this might happen often so i APOLOGIZE.

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