Chapter 18

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Currently Roxanne was speed walking to her daughter's room.

Roxanne knocked multiple times, loudly.

"Mom what-" Rosalie says opening the door confused.

Roxanne walks in her daughter's room and closes the door.

"Something's wrong with Susannah." Roxanne states looking at her daughter worriedly.

"Mom calm down." Rosalie says hugging her mother.

"What's wrong with Susannah?" Rosalie questions while pulling away.

"Well I found out-" Roxanne started before Miguel barged into the room.

Roxanne's mood changed from worried to annoyed.

"What do you want?" Roxanne questions with a roll of her eyes.

"What, am I not allowed to check in on my daughter?" Miguel says sarcastically.

"You clearly saw me walk in here Miguel." Roxanne states placing her hands on her hips in annoyance.

As Roxanne and Miguel started bickering, she had enough and walked out.

"Jesus." Rosalie mumbles.

As she walks downstairs she sees Conrad.

"Hey Con-" Rosalie was about to ask when Steven came running downstairs.

"Jesus fucking christ Steven!" Rosalie says as he ran past her.

"I gotta go." He says pacing.

"Where?" Conrad asks confused.

"To make sure my girlfriend doesn't kill me." He says running out the house.

The teens just stared blankly at Steven.

"You think she's gonna kill him?" Conrad asks.

"Yes." Rosalie answers bluntly.

Rosalie figured she should ask Conrad about Susannah another time. Since everyone is rushing around.

If Rosalie was being honest she loved the feeling. It was exciting to her.

"Okay well. We should start getting ready." Rosalie states. As it was nearly time for the ball.

She gave him a quick but passionate kiss and went to go get ready.


As everyone was already there for the debutante ball, Belly and Rosalie went inside.

She saw everyone.

I love this. Rosalie thought as the sight was memorizing to her.

Belly quickly went to go to Laurel and Susannah. While Rosalie went to Conrad.

"Hey." She says from behind him.

As Conrad turned around his heart skipped a beat. He thought Rosalie looked absolutely stunning.

Her dress that was such a perfect fit. Her hair that was tied into a ponytail with strands in the front.

He also noticed the paper ring on her hand. It warmed his heart.

It made him so happy inside knowing that Rosalie would wear such a small gift to the ball.

He loved it.

He was zoned out, just staring and admiring her beauty.

"Con?" Rosalie laughed while waving a hand in front of his face.

"You look beautiful, Rosalie." Conrad said while maintaining eye contact.

"You look charming." Rosalie said while sitting next to him.

As they were making conversation. It was time for all the boys to dance.

As they started, Rosalie saw Steven and Jeremiah engaged in a conversation and they failed to notice everyone went to the sides.

Rosalie laughed quietly along with Conrad.

She recorded the whole thing. It was something she wouldn't want to miss.

She would definitely use this against them in the future.

As they finished it was now time for the actual dance.

Conrad stood up and held out his hand for Rosalie.

As she grabbed his hand, he placed a quick kiss on her hand as they walked towards the dance floor.

She felt as if she was in heaven. Dancing with Conrad.

She took notice that Belly wasn't dancing. She looked around and saw her sitting at the table.

"Where's Jeremiah?" Rosalie mouthed.

"I don't know." Belly mouthed back sadly.

As they finished dancing, Rosalie and Conrad were just admiring each other.

The moment was ruined by Jeremiah pacing towards them with a tear stained face and red eyes.

"Hey." Jeremiah says gripping Conrad's arm and turning him around to face Jeremiah.

"Hey Jeremiah, where were you?" Rosalie asks.

"Conrad, we need to talk alright, it's important, it's about mom." Jeremiah says looking hurt.

"I found something out." He says.

Rosalie looks at Jeremiah confused.

"We'll talk later okay." Conrad stumbles on his words.

"No its important-" Jeremiah gets cut off.

"It's okay." Conrad says putting his hand out towards Jeremiah's chest.

Jeremiah gets a look of realization.

"You already know don't you?" Jeremiah says looking betrayed.

"You've known this whole fucking time and didn't tell me?" Jeremiah says getting angry.

All of a sudden Jeremiah punches Conrad and tackles him to the floor.

Before Rosalie was about to try stop them Susannah, Laurel and Belly came running towards them.

"Stop it! Both of you. Stop it!" Susannah sternly shouts.

Belly goes and stands next to Rosalie holding her arm for comfort.

Jeremiah gets up and Rosalie goes towards Conrad and helps him up.

As the boys walk towards their mother, Belly and Rosalie stand next to Laurel.

"What is going on?" She asks disappointed.

"Mom-" Jeremiah starts, his voice slightly cracking.

"We know mom." Conrad says quietly.

"Know what?" Belly and Rosalie ask in unison.


After Roxanne and Miguel explained to their daughter what happened she bursted into tears.

Conrad, Jeremiah and Susannah were in the living room.

Belly, Steven and Laurel were in Belly's room.

And Rosalie, Roxanne and Miguel were in Rosalie's room.

Rosalie was lying in her bed sobbing while her parents were both holding her tightly.

Rosalie was heartbroken. Susannah is like a second mother to her.

She couldn't think of how much Susannah has been suffering.

She was devastated. She also realized how much Conrad had been going through.

This night took a turn for the worst.

A/N: This was an extremely sad chapter. But I made a Jeremiah book!!!! I've only published one chapter so far. I thought i should complete this one first tho. So pls check that book out. If you want to only ofc! LOVE Y'ALL 💋

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