Eientei Visitors

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  The winter has neared its end and Earth Rabbits start to prepare for spring to come. The Gensokyo Expeditionary Group, meanwhile, still sleeping. Their tiredness makes them wake up late. Kaguya, who is also a late-waker, begin to wake them up. With heavy eyes, they all wake up and after little stretching, they get up and taking bath, one by one.

Remilia: *Yawning* "Are we always waking up late?..."

Flandre: *Yawning too* "No, that'll be our first..."

Theodore: "The air started to warm up... spring will come..."

Nakayoshi: "Huh?... Did you say something, Captain-sama?..."

Albert: "Maybe just his little mumbling..."

  After they all take bath, suddenly they feel refreshed and ready to face the day. Today they all decided to do some physical exercise with Meiling. Just after finishing their breakfast, they go to back yard and start to move as Meiling's command. Surprisingly, their actions make all the Earth Rabbits in their area curious. Some of them even followed the group's moves.

Meiling: "And there goes... oh my!"

All of the group members: "What?"

  They slowly back up and turn their head...

Theodore: "Oh my God! Did they follow our moves all along!?"

Albert: "Looks like, Capt"

Nakayoshi: "All of them are girls!"

Ranmaru: "Not all, you airhead! There's a boy too, even men as well"

Nakayoshi: "I mean they who following us, Ranmaru-kun!"

  Realizing their leader had already stopped, the Earth Rabbits continued with their doings. For Theodore and Patchouli, this means their job is started. Those two ask for their leave and begin exploring the mansion. Carefully they inspect any rooms, objects, furniture, corners, and anything they see.

Theodore: "See anything new, My Dear?"

Patchouli: *Sighed* "No, Dear... all I see is just the same old Eientei..."

Patchouli: "Wait, what's in there!?"

Theodore: "Where!?"

  Patchouli suddenly dragged her beloved to one room and pointed at the thing she found...

Patchouli: "That!"

Theodore: "This thing!... I thought only four survived!..."

Patchouli: "This is one of your group's weapons, isn't it?"

Theodore: "Indeed it was! But if Eientei possesses this..."

  Someone then comes in as the couple inspects the 'thing'...

??: "My, my~ look who's dare to barge into someone's room without permission~"

Theodore: *Still holding the 'thing'* "Enough with the blabbering, Miss Eirin! I want a detailed explanation, fast!"

Eirin: "Oh my~ no need to be hot-headed, my child~ I shall explain everything you want to know~"

Eirin: "Now, would you two please take a seat?~"

  When Eirin explains everything, Theodore can't stay focused and always feel they're being watched. His feeling was right, he sees something shiny coming from the forest and it was targeting Eirin so he glanced at it occasionally. A slight orange flash then shocked him.

Theodore: "Miss Eirin, look out!"

Eirin: "Wha-"

  He was doing the right thing. He managed to shield Eirin on time because it was a bullet piercing his wings and then hitting the wall. Theodore groaned in pain and his groans caused the others to come to check.

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