Old Base

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  It takes two days for them to sober up. When they already feel better, they're taken to the Scarlet Devils' care. Indeed a man from their nature, they're asking the Scarlet Devils to go with them to a certain old base at Youkai Mountain's slope. Especially Theodore, upon hearing that news, always persuades his beloved to go with him.

Patchouli: "Later! You two just sobered up! Please wait two or three more days"

Theodore: "Aw... come on, My Dear..."

Patchouli: "Tomorrow! Tomorrow I promise we will go there"

Theodore: *Giving his hand* "Promise?..."

Patchouli: *Sighed and shaking his hand* "Promise, My Dear..."

  Suddenly he's gripping her hand and pulling her, making him able to kiss her cheek. His actions of course make Patchouli blush badly. She didn't expect her beloved is finally kissing him. Then she's hitting lightly his arm repeatedly because of the great embarrassment. The others were also shocked and blushing as they watched the whole scene.

Theodore: "Thanks for lightning me up, hehehe"

Patchouli: *Still blushing badly with slight anger* "WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST THEN!?... THERE ARE CHILDREN HERE!..."

Both Remilia and Flandre: *Surprised* "Wha-"


Theodore: "Sorry..."

  All day long they spend just around the mansion. It's because Theodore and Albert weren't recovered fully. True Albert is immune to danmaku but that is just too much for him to handle. It's also true they all, Gensokyo Expeditionary Group members are immune to any magic, spells, and danmakus, but somehow they are suddenly not immune. Patchouli thinks that his weakened state is because they're not in the bond at that time. She also remembers that her beloved tried to call him back but he didn't listen so there's no bond created, but she's still unsure about it.

  Time skip to tomorrow...

  Finally, the time to go to that base arrived. The two pack things with haste because they can't wait to step inside that base. Seeing the two being energetic, the Scarlet Devils were glad that they can recover so fast. When everything is ready, Theodore joyfully leads the way to the base.

  On the halfway of their trip...

Theodore: *Checking his belt* "Wait... I was reminded by something... where's my revolver?"

Theodore: *Turns his head to others* "Did anyone see my revolver?"

  All of them shaking their head together...

Patchouli: Sorry, My Dear... it was for your best...

Theodore: *Checking his sleeves* "And my derringer too!? That's my reminiscence from my homeland!"

Patchouli: That little gun is one of his precious things!? What have I done!...

Theodore: *Taking out his blow-back pistol from inside his inner left coat* "Good thing my 18th birthday gun isn't missing~"

Patchouli: Well... I should anticipate that...

Theodore: "Hey, My Dear! Give me your hand!"

Patchouli: *Surprised* "H-huh!?... Okay..."

  She then moves closer to him...

Theodore: *Giving his pistol* "Consider this yours!~"

Patchouli: *Shocked* "E-eh!?... Y-you giving your gun!?... To me!?"

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