Chapter two 👺💅

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"it's been three days after the incident with Ta- what was his name again?" Tokito thought to himself, he was sitting on the same bench where he had talked to that boy, it was strange that Tokito still remembered that he or should I be saying the boy talked to him. Why did he remember it?

Tokito wanted to forget about the boy but he couldn't, somehow the boy's memory was still present in his brain.

He was sitting on the same bench where the boy had talked to him, he didn't remember the conversation or his name, only his eyes, those crimson red eyes. Muichiro couldn't get that image from his head, it pissed him off.

Tanjiro was walking near the garden after finishing his training, he wasn't doing well like he used to do, he wanted to talk to Tokito so bad and become his friend, but the question was how? He sighed and continued to walk around the garden when he noticed a similar figure, it was Muichiro! His face lit up instantly but it was soon replaced with a frown. He was so embarassed to even be near him after that awkward talk they had about three days ago or so, he was about to walk away but something inside him said to give it a last try and he did. He walked up to the short male sitting on the bench and sat next to him.

"Hey!" Tanjiro said with this cheerful voice.

Muichiro just stared at him blinking every few seconds, Tanjiro continued to talk about how his day had been and other stuff, meanwhile Muichiro just stared at him with a blank face.

Tanjiro talked for a few minutes before he noticed that the other one wasn't paying attention, that disappointed him but he had made it clear that he will become Muichiro's friend, no matter what it costs.

"maybe he just didn't open up so quickly"

That was the excuse Tanjiro used to give himself everyday he came to talk with Muichiro, Tanjiro used to bring some food, paper so he could make paper planes like how the other one did, he tried his very best to get Muichiro to like his company. But why tho? Why did he wanted Muichiro's attention? He never had an answer to those questions inside his head.

Muichiro slowly started to like the other one's company, he was finally starting to like Tanjiro.

For a week or so Muichiro never spoke and just looked at his face, his eyes..

He loved just looking at them, it reminded him of something or maybe someone but he didn't knew who.

One day when Tanjiro was talking about his day like usual.

"And then Inosuke accidentally ate Zenitsu's grandfather's ashes and Zenitsu got really pissed,They both where fighting for the whole day then-,"

"What did they taste like?"

"Eh- I don't know" that's when Tanjiro realised that Muichiro was actually listening to him, not only listening but he spoke- the guy who never said or paid any attention to what he was saying was actually listening-

"WAIT DID YOU JUST SPEAK-?!" It took tanjiro a moment to realise what he had just said, "I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN THAT IN A BAD WAY I SWEAR-" Tanjiro was frustrated, why did he say that?

"Should I not have?" The other one said confused.


"I am so sorry-" he said embarassed.

"It's ok but really what did they taste like? I really wanna know." Muichiro wanted know what ashes tasted like.

"Well I gotta ask Inosuke- I will tell you tomorrow!"

"But I will forget about it by tomorrow"

Tanjiro looked sad, he really wanted to help this boy.

"Don't worry Tokito-san, if you do forget about it, I will tell you again!"

Muichiro was shocked, nobody had ever said that to him, "It's really nice of you,but you don't need to trouble yourself"

"No no it's not causing me any trouble, I actually like talking to you and today that you started talking back, I can't be more happier!"

Muichiro's eyes wided in shock, this boy liked talking to him? Even after he gave him the cold shoulder, he still wanted to talk? He felt a bit sorry for ignoring him all these weeks.

Tanjiro was looking at Muichiro smiling like he always did and that's when he remembered that it's almost time for him to go back to the butterfly mansion.

"Sayonara Tokito-san!" He said goodbye to Tokito who was still in shock after what Tanjiro had said, Tanjiro was standing at the main gate of the garden, waving goodbye to Tokito. For the first time or in a long time Tokito actually brought his arm to his chest level and waved goodbye.

"I am his friend.."

Here's time for a Taisho Era secret!

They say Tokito doesn't has friends because he forgets about them the next day, only Tanjiro, the love pillar and stone pillar are his only known friends!

( Heehee 👹💅 ik it's short but it's kinda the plot you know 🙃🤚🏼 anyways goodbye lovely human, will see you in the next chapter 👺✨✨✨)

°•^°' Word count: 900 '°^•°

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