chapter three 😰💅

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~The next day~

Tokito was getting ready, wearing his signature demon slayer uniform and he walked outside of his residence.

He was making his way to the garden like always, thinking about the boy, like usual he had forgotten about what they had talked yesterday but remembered Tanjiro, he sat at the bench waiting for the other one to show up.

An hour had passed and there was no sign of Tanjiro, Muichiro continued to wait, now it's been three hours and the sun was setting down, Muichiro got up and made his way back to his home.

"I was waiting for so long but that boy still didn't show up..wait what was his name again? Eh something like that I think" he thought to himself.

He entered his house, a really plane place with a brown dusty carpet and cream coloured walls with a mist like design on them, it was almost night time by when he had arrived there. He changed his clothes, putting them in his closet, he put his futan and fell into a dreamless sleep. He couldn't remember the last time he ever had a dream.

He woke up to a pretty rainy day, he got up and changed his clothes to his uniform and sat down to wait till the rain stops, that's when his stomach made a weird noise, he hadn't ate anything yesterday nor today, he had forgot to eat, he got up and made himself some noodles. He sat back down and ate his noodles, still waiting for the rain to stop. Finally the rain had stopped, he could now go back to the garden again! He got up and ran outside his house to the garden, it took him about 10 minutes to get there. He looked at the bench that was wet, he thought it happened due to the rain, he ran back to his house to get a towel so he could wipe it off, he come back again and wiped it off. He sat at the place where he always sat and waited for the other boy to show up like yesterday, he had hopes that the other boy will show up.

After ten minutes of waiting there Tanjiro had finally showed up, Something inside of Muichiro was happy to see him but he didn't gave it that much attention.

"Hey! How are you Tokito-san?!

"Why didn't you show up yesterday?"

Tanjiro was a but suprised, Muichiro had actually came there yesterday for him?

"Well you see, I had gone to the town to bring you this!" He said as he took out a gift, Tokito was really surprised, nobody had ever brought a gift for him or even if someone did he would forget who gifted or if it even was a gift the very next day. Tanjiro gave him the gift that he had brought, it looked like a book inside the wrapping paper, Muichiro opened the gift to reveal a dairy.

"A diary?"

Yes a diary!"

"But why?"

"Well because since you forget about stuff so often I thought you could write it in this dairy so you don't forget, like people's names, the things you wanna remember and-"

"Are you tryna make fun of my amnesia?" He took it as an insult.


"So all this time, everything you did was out of pity for me?"


Tokito's eyes widened with shock, "friend.? I am his friend..?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing, Tanjiro was his friend, Tokito had a friend.

"I am your friend?" He asked in disbelieve.

"Ofcourse you are, well if you don't wanna then that's o-"

"NO NO- I like being friends" he said shyly looking to his side to hide his embarassment, In a long time, Muichiro felt embarassed.

Tanjiro was really happy, Tokito was finally his friend!

Tokito opened the dairy and held the pen in his hands, "What's your full name?"

"Oh my name? It's Tanjiro Kamado!"

Muichiro wrote his name in the diary and the rest of the conversation they had, he was really happy in a very long time, he didn't even remember how fast time went since it was already time for tanjiro to leave, he was a bit sad that Tanjiro had to leave but he knew they will meet tomorrow again.

Muichiro went home and put the diary safely in his closet, he wore his night clothes and fell into a dreamless sleep like usual, he woke up the next morning to his crow saying they had a meeting this afternoon, he got up and got ready to go to where the hashiras meetings always happened, it took him 30 minutes to get there and he brought his diary aswell, he wrote what he thought was important and couldn't wait for it end, Tanjiro must be waiting for him. As soon as the meeting ended he got up and ran to the garden, He wanted to get there as soon as possible.

While he was running to the garden, on the way Shinobu spotted him as the butterfly mansion was on the same path he way going.

"Ara Ara~ I wonder where Tokito-kun is going in such a hurry?"

Butterfly bitc- I mean Shinobu followed him to where he was going and saw that he and Tanjiro where a coup- I mean friends, really close lover- I mean really close friends. (Damn I really went to far 🧍)


"Aw it's ok Tokito-san, I understand, your career as a hashira comes first!" He said understanding the situation, and for the very first time, Tanjiro got up and hugged the short male. Muichiro was beyond shock, this wasn't the first time someone had hugged him but this one gave him a weird feeling in his stomach, he hugged him back,he liked it. Even tho the hug only lasted for a few seconds, for Muichiro they where hours. After that they both sat down and Tanjiro had brought lunch with him, he had brought two lunch boxes with him, he gave one to Muichiro and took one himself, Muichiro ate the food that was given to him, he liked it.

"Can I know who made this?"

"Ofcourse, well it was made by me- hehe-" Tanjiro said in a awkward tone, he didn't knew if Tokito will like it or not.

"Do you like it? It's my first time making food after I became a demon slayer haha.." Tanjiro got a flashback of his slaughtered family, but he put on his bright smile to cheer the atmosphere up. Tanjiro had always hid a really stressful life under that bright smile.

"A boy who was forced into a life of endless work and no sleep.."

Here's time for a Taisho Era secret!

They say, Tanjiro, when his mother would get sick, he would make food for his siblings. That's why he knows how to cook!

{ Sorry that I published it late, my exams are in 4 days from now and I don't think a new chapter will come until 17th July ahahahaha great right 🤩🤩🤩🤩🏃🏃👺👺}

°•^Word count^•°: 1259

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